Universidad de Sonora
ISSN: 1665-1456
Journal of biological and health sciences
Volume XXV, Issue 2
A simple solution method to prepare VO2:Co2+ precursors for
thin lm deposition by solution-processing method
Un método simple de solución para preparar películas delgadas de VO2:Co2+ para la deposición median-
te el método de procesamiento en solución
F. Hernandez-Guzmana, G. Suarez-Camposab*, D. Cabrera-Germana, M.A. Millan-Francoc, H. Huc, M.A. Quevedo-Lopez
a,d, M. Sotelo-Lermaa*
Department of Research in Polymers and Materials, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
b Department of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Institute of Renewable Energies, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Temixco, Morelos, Mexico
d Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, United States.
*Author for correspondence: Guillermo Suarez Campos, Merida Sotelo-Lerma
e-mail: guillermo.suarez@unison.mx, merida.sotelo@unison.mx
Received: November 3, 2022
Accepted: March 6, 2023
Solution-processing is a low-cost solution method to prepa-
re a variety of organic or inorganic thin lms. For metal oxide
compounds, a solution-processing solution of an organo-
metallic compound is frequently used as a precursor to be
spin coated, followed by a thermal annealing to form metal
oxide. In this work, vanadium oxide powders are obtained
from a simple acid-base reaction, and then they are disper-
sed in isopropyl alcohol to form a solution for spin-coating.
Dierent amount of cobalt salt are also added together
with VOx into isopropyl alcohol to form VOx:Co2+ solutions.
After thermal annealing at 200 °C, continuous transparent
thin lms are obtained. Optical, structural, morphological
and chemical binding energies of those lms are analyzed.
It is found that amorphous VO2:Co2+ compound is formed
in those lms with V:Co atomic ratios between 6.6:1 and
1.6:1. Optical absorption onsets of those lms are around
2.3 eV. An interesting interconnected porous morphology is
observed when the atomic ratio of V:Co is around 4.9:1. It is
concluded that porous amorphous cobalt doped vanadium
oxide thin lms can be obtained from a spin-coating process
at low annealing temperature from a simple solution without
any complex agent.
Keywords: cobalt doped vanadium oxide, spin-coated thin
lms, porous morphology, solution processing without ligands.
El procesamiento de soluciones es un método de bajo costo
para preparar una variedad de películas delgadas orgánicas
o inorgánicas. Para compuestos de óxidos metálicos, un pro-
cesamiento de solución de un compuesto organometálico
se usa con frecuencia como solución precursora para ser
recubierta por rotación, seguida de un tratamiento térmico
para formar el óxido metálico. En este trabajo se obtienen
polvos de óxido de vanadio a partir de una simple reacción
ácido-base, y luego se dispersan en alcohol isopropílico para
formar una solución para spin-coating. También se agregan
diferentes cantidades de sal de cobalto junto con VOx en
alcohol isopropílico para formar soluciones de VOx:Co2+. Des-
pués del tratamiento térmico a 200 °C, se obtienen películas
delgadas transparentes. Se analizan las propiedades ópticas,
estructurales, morfológicas y químicas. Se encontró que el
compuesto VO2:Co2+ es amorfo y se obtiene con una relación
atómica V:Co variada de 6.6:1-1.6:1. El material presenta una
absorción óptica alrededor de 2.3 eV. Se observa una intere-
sante morfología porosa interconectada cuando la relación
atómica de V:Co es ~4.9:1. Se concluye que se pueden obte-
ner películas delgadas amorfas porosas de VO2:Co2+ a partir
del spin-coating a una baja temperatura de tratamiento
utilizando una solución simple sin agente complejante.
Palabras clave: oxido de vanadio dopado con cobalto, pelícu-
las delgadas mediante recubrimiento centrifugo, morfología
porosa, procesamiento de la solución sin complejantes.
Vanadium oxides (VOx) and VOx doped with dierent metal
oxides are interesting semiconductor materials because
of their abundance in the Earth’s crust, as well as its multi-
oxidation states and various crystalline structures (Silversmit
et al., 2004, 2006). As a semiconductor material, VOx shows a
band gap ~2.6-3.5 eV that makes it a good semiconductor
material for diverse electronic application. In the literature,
VOx thin lms have been deposited with dierent methods
for diverse potential applications employing techniques
such as: magnetron sputtering and spin-coating for thermo-
chromic applications (Ho et al., 2019; Zhan et al., 2020; Yuan et
al., 2021); pulsed laser deposition for cathodes in Lithium and
sodium-ion batteries (Petnikota et al., 2018); sprayed solution
for NO2 gas sensing (Khatibani, Abbasi and Rozati, 2016;
Mane and Moholkar, 2017); solution-processing method for
smart windows applications (Peng et al., 2018; Wang et al.,
2020; Shen et al., 2021).
On the other hand, modications of optical or structu-
ral properties of semiconductor thin lms are necessary to
improve application of these materials. Which by adding a
dierent type of metal ions into a VOx host matrix, known as
a doping process, is one of the most eective ways to modify
vanadium oxide structure, leading to dierent electrochemi-
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Hernandez-Guzman et al: A simple solution method to prepare VO2:Co2+ / XXV (2): 146-152 (2023)
cal, catalytic, and magnetic properties (Lu et al., 2019; Sharma
et al., 2021; Geng et al., 2022). Metal doped vanadium oxide
thin lms have been obtained with dierent deposition te-
chniques: Y-doped VOx thin lms by DC reactive magnetron
sputtering for electrical modulation applications (Zhou et al.,
2020); Cs-doped VOx thin lms deposited by spun-cast as a
hole extraction layer in perovskite solar cells (Yao et al., 2018);
Fe-doped VOx by sol-gel spin-coated for electrochromic devi-
ce applications (Bae, Koo and Ahn, 2019); In-doped VOx thin
lms obtained by spray pyrolysis coating system for optical
transparency modulation (Tabatabai Yazdi, Pilevar Shahri
and Shafei, 2021); Co-doped VOx thin lms by microwave irra-
diation process for battery-type supercapacitor applications
(Liu et al., 2020), among others (Ji et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019;
Xu et al., 2019).
Solution-processing spin-coating is an economical
method to obtain homogeneous pure or doped VOx thin
lms. Compared to other chemical solution deposition
methods, this method has the advantage that it enables the
deposition of metal oxide thin lms without seed layer on
substrates such as glass, uorine doped tin oxide (FTO), in-
dium doped tin oxide (ITO) or coated polyethylene (PET) for
transparent or exible electronics applications (Hajzeri et al.,
2012). In particular, metal ion doping in VOx thin lms could
be an in-situ process in a spin-coating method by adding the
metal source into the vanadium precursor solution. However,
expensive organometallic compounds are usually employed
to prepare metal precursor solutions. In this work, we propo-
se a simple method to prepare vanadium oxide and cobalt
doped vanadium oxide solutions, without the use of organo-
metallic compound or any complex agent that would result
in a slow metal cation release, and an increased time and
temperature deposition. Chemical photoelectron analysis
of vanadium oxide samples, with or without cobalt doping,
conrms the formation of a vanadium oxide VO2 compound
in the lm samples. Cobalt oxide CoO also prevails in VO2:Co2+
samples, with some neighboring atoms arranged in a short-
range order. Porous surface of VO2:Co2+ thin lms can be
obtained, giving an optical absorption onset at 2.3 eV.
2.1. Synthesis of VOx powders and solution
Precursor solutions for VOx powders were prepared by
using 0.1 M solution of vanadium (IV) oxide sulfate hydrate
(VOSO4·xH2O) and 1 M solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
as previously suggested [25]. These two precursor solutions
were mixed, resulting in a blue color solution with a pH ~2
tested with a MColorHastTM. After that, the blue solution
was heated at 80 °C for 3 h to obtain VOx precipitates. These
precipitates were dispersed in methanol to dissolve possible
impurities and then centrifuged. After centrifugation, VOx
precipitates were dried at 80 °C for 2 h to obtain VOx powders.
To prepare a VOx sol-gel solution, VOx powders were
dispersed in isopropyl alcohol under ultrasonic vibration at
room temperature for 10 min. Then, the mixture solution was
ltered with a cotton lter to remove the undispersed preci-
pitates and obtain a transparent solution for thin lm depo-
sition by spin-coating. Pure VOx lms were called samples S1.
2.2. Preparation of VOx:Co solutions
To obtain cobalt doped VOx precursor solutions, dried VOx
powders and CoCl2·6H2O salt were dispersed/dissolved in
isopropyl alcohol. Then, the solutions were subjected to
ultrasonic vibration at room temperature for 10 min. Finally,
the solutions were ltered with a cotton lter to remove the
undispersed precipitates and obtain transparent VOx:Co so-
lutions for thin lm deposition by spin-coating. Four VOx:Co
solutions were prepared with VOx/CoCl26H2O weight ratios
of 0.7/0.3, 0.5/0.5, 0.3/0.7 and 0.1/0.9, called samples S2, S3, S4
and S5, respectively.
2.3. VOx and VOx:Co thin lm deposition
The ve precursor solutions, VOx and VOx/Co, were used to
form thin lms by spin-coating. Microscope glass slides from
VE-P10 Velab™, to be used as substrates for vanadium oxide
solutions, were washed with Alconox® detergent, rinsed
with distilled water and air-dried. The clean substrates were
placed in the Chemat Thecnology Spin-Coated KW-4A, 50 µL
of the VOx or VOx:Co solutions were deposited at 2500 rpm
for 2 min on the glass substrates. The obtained coatings were
thermally annealed in air at 200 °C for 1 h and became solid
thin lms.
2.4. Thin lms characterizations
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to assess
the chemical composition of the lms. The tool employed
was PHI 5000 Versa Probe II, with a monochromatic Al Kα
(1486.6 eV) X-ray source with a 0.1 eV step size and a cons-
tant pass energy of 23.50 eV. The scale of binding energies
was corrected by calibrating the main C 1s peak at a binding
energy of 284.8 eV. Atomic compositions of VOx/Co lms
were estimated from the XPS results. Crystalline structures
of VOx/Co lms were probed with X-ray diraction (XRD)
employing a Rigaku DMAX-2200 diractometer equipped
with a Cu Kα (λ = 1.54 Å) X-ray source. A Jeol JSM-7800F eld
emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) was used
to evaluate the surface morphology of the lms. The surface
morphology of each lm sample was analyzed by atomic
force microscopy (AFM) with a Veeco Dimension Icon, Bruker
instrument. Optical transmittance spectra of VOx/Co lms
were measured with a Perkin Elmer Lambda 20 UV–visible
spectrometer. Thicknesses of VOx and VOx:Co thin lms were
measured with an Ambios Technology XP 200 prolometer.
3.1. Prolometry and main characteristics
The rst assessment of the possible formation of continuous
VOx and VOx:Co thin lms from the above mentioned precur-
sor solutions is lm thickness measurement by prolometry.
Table 1 lists the ve types of VOx:Co thin lms with their
respective thickness. In the Alpha-Step proles of all lm
samples, large grains of 100 to 400 nm of height were obser-
148 Volume XXV, Issue 2
Hernandez-Guzman et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 146-152 (2023)
ved and were embedded in continuous solid coatings with
thickness from 133 to 246 nm.
Table 1. Thickness, band gap and V:Co atomic ratio of VOx:Co lm samples.
Tabla 1. Grosor, brecha de banda y proporción atómica V:Co de muestras
Weight ratio
(VOSO4·xH2O / CoCl2·6H2O) Thickness (nm) Atomic ratio
of V:Co
S11/0 152 ± 44 1:0
S20.7/0.3 133 ± 39 6.6:1
S30.5/0.5 123 ± 19 4.9:1
S40.3/0.7 133 ± 26 2.9:1
S50.1/0.9 246 ± 11 1.6:1
3.2. Optical properties
Optical transmittance spectra of VOx:Co thin lms can be
appreciated in Figure 1a with transmittance percentage of
65 - 75 % in the 800 -1350 nm wavelength (λ) range. The
main inuence of Co2+ inclusion is observed in UV-A to blue
region, at 325 - 500 nm, as reported elsewhere (Hajzeri et
al., 2012; Martínez-Gil et al., 2020). Furthermore, samples
with larger Co2+ concentration, such as S4 and S5, show lower
transmittance at the visible region (400 - 700 nm). Optical
absorption coecient spectrum of each lm sample, α(λ)
(Figure 1b), is calculated from the simplied Beer-Lambert
equation: , where d is lm thickness and T(λ)
the transmittance spectrum. The optical absorption onset
(or band gap Eg) value is estimated by intersection of two
straight tting lines. The Eg values of pure vanadium oxide
and vanadium with dierent amounts of Co2+, are around 2.3
eV, which is very close to that previously reported for V2O5
[27]. It is also observed that the absorption coecients of all
the cobalt doped vanadium oxide thin lms (from S2 to S5)
are higher compared to the pure vanadium oxide sample (S1),
keeping the same forms of the spectra. Higher absorption
region (> 3.8 eV) in these samples should be related to the
glass substrate absorption.
3.3. X-ray diraction
X-ray diraction pattern of VOx lm sample (S1) is presented
in Figure 2, which appears to correspond to an amorphous
material due to the broad signal around 22°, plus a monocli-
nic phase of HNaV6O16•4H2O with the plane orientation (100)
at around 2θ 8° (JCPDS# 49-0996 (Channu et al., 2011)). This
crystalline compound could be a residual from VOSO4·xH2O
+ NaOH, reaction and was not be eliminated during the 200
°C annealing or the thin lm processing. Interestingly, after
Co2+ addition, the reection peak around 2θ 8° gradually
reduces. The higher the concentration of Co2+, the smaller
the intensity of that peak, until its complete elimination in
the sample with the highest concentration of Co2+ (sample,
S5). S5 shows the diraction pattern typical of an amorphous
lm, hence it is a predominantly amorphous material. Since
no diraction peaks of CoOx or VCoOx compounds appear
in the ve VOx:Co2+ samples, it seems that low temperature
annealing leads to amorphous materials, as indicated in (Hu
et al., 2017; Martínez-Gil et al., 2020).
300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350
Transmittance (%)
Wavelength, λ(nm)
1 2 3 4
Absorption Coefficient, α (cm
Photon Energy, hv (eV)
Figure 1. (a) Transmittance and (b) optical absorption coe-
cient spectra of vanadium oxide (S1) and cobalt doped vana-
dium oxide (S2 to S5) thin lms.
Figura 1. Espectros de transmitancia (a) y coeciente de ab-
sorción óptica (b) para películas delgadas de óxido de vanadio
(S1) y óxido de vanadio dopado (S2 to S5).
3.4. Thin lms surface morphology
Figure 3 shows AFM three dimensional surface topography
images in scales of 2 m x 2 µm of (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, (d) S4 and
(e) S5 VOx:Co2+ lm samples. The root-mean-square roughness
of the same samples is plotted in Figure 3f. The surface topo-
graphy of pure VOx lm (S1) presents lumps and the lowest
roughness. As the cobalt ions are incorporated into VOx host,
variations in shape and roughness are observed in AFM
images. Notable changes are observed in samples S3 and S4
that exhibit a ring like morphology and increased roughness
(8 - 9 nm) in comparison with S1 and S2 (4 - 5 nm) samples.
sample S5 that contains the highest cobalt concentration
loses the ring pattern in its surface morphology and shows
the highest roughness (23 nm) among the ve samples.
Similar results are reported elsewhere, suggesting that the
inclusion of Co2+ in VOx host by solution methods modies
the supercial morphology of cobalt doped vanadium oxide
thin lms (Fuentes-Ríos et al., 2021). Such porous morphology
encourages potential use of VOx:Co2+ thin lms as a cathode
material for lithium battery applications (Wang et al., 2011).
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Hernandez-Guzman et al: A simple solution method to prepare VO2:Co2+ / XXV (2): 146-152 (2023)
10 20 30 40 50 60
2θ (°)
JCPDS# 49-0996
Intensity (a.u.)
Figure 2. X-ray diractions patterns of vanadium oxide with
dierent Co2+ concentrations.
Figura 2. Patrones de difracción de rayos X de óxido de
vanadio con diferentes concentraciones de Co+2.
To complement the AFM results, SEM micrographs of
S1, S3 and S5 samples were analyzed and are shown in Figu-
re 4. Without cobalt addition, vanadium oxide sample S1
shows a granular ground with shallow leaves. The S3 sample
(VOx:Cobalt salt = 50:50), presents an interconnected rings or
porous arrangement, very similar to the AFM image of the
Figure 3. Three-dimensional AFM surface morphology images of (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, (d) S4, (e) S5 samples. (f) Roughness values of the
same samples.
Figura 3. Imágenes tridimensionales por AFM de la morfología supercial de las muestras (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, (d) S4 y (e) S5. (f) Valores
de aspereza de las mismas muestras.
Figure 4. SEM micrographs with dierent magnications of a) S1, b) S3, c) S5
and d) histogram of S3 pores.
Figura 4. micrografías de microscopia electrónica de barrido con diferentes
magnicaciones de las muestras a) S1, b) S3, c) S5 y d) histograma de los
poros de la muestra S3.
same sample (Fig. 3c). The pore size distribution histogram
of this lm sample is in Figure 4d. It shows that the pore size
varies from 100 to 300 nm, and those with ~150 nm predo-
minates. By chemical element mapping in the SEM image of
sample S3, vanadium and cobalt elements have been detec-
ted to have a homogeneous distribution inside the pores.
Finally, the sample with the highest concentration of cobalt,
S5, shows an irregular porous granular pattern at the surface,
and under such pattern a continuous lm is observed.
3.5. Chemical composition
To assess the chemical state of the VOx:Co2+ lm samples, an
accurate peak-tting analysis of their X-ray photoelectron
spectra (XPS) (A. Herera-Gomez, no date) was carried on.
150 Volume XXV, Issue 2
Hernandez-Guzman et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 146-152 (2023)
Figure 5 shows the photoelectron spectra of the ve samples
corresponding to the (a) Co 2p and (b) O 1s and V 2p core-
levels. From the Co 2p spectra (Figure 5a) we observe that the
experimental data are congruent to that of the Co2+ chemical
state, showing the main peak centered at 780.80 eV, but at
the same time, three satellite peaks at higher binding ener-
gies that are characteristics of the Co2+ state (Yang et al., 2010;
Biesinger et al., 2011; Martínez-Gil et al., 2020). It is important
to mention that the relative intensities of those satellite
peaks suggest that there are neighboring atoms arranged in
a short-range order, possibly having distortions that deviate
from the octahedral Co2+ symmetry. That is, the intensities of
the satellite peaks are proportional to the molecular defects
or amorphous state of the material, which correlates to the
amorphous XRD results for all samples.
The V 2p and the O 1s spectra share the same binding
energy range (Figure 5b), where we can observe the sole
presence of a vanadium oxide. Due to the large spread of the
reported binding energy values of this compound, to assess
the present lms we have employed the method proposed
by Hryha et al. (Hryha, Rutqvist and Nyborg, 2012), where ins-
tead of using only the energy position of the V 2p3/2 for che-
mical state determination, we have taken into account the
dierence in the binding energy between the O 1s and the
V 2p3/2 core levels (Δ= BE(O1s) – BE(V2p3/2)). The results show
that for all samples the energy separation is around 13.50 eV,
which suggests that the oxide obtained with our chemical
process is VO2 (Hryha, Rutqvist and Nyborg, 2012). Here it
is interesting to note that the energy position of the V 2p3/2
in our samples is at 516.50 eV, which is almost the average
value of those reported for VO2 (515.95 eV) and V2O5 (517.20
eV), however, due to also the large spread in binding energy
calibrations in the literature, we discard the possibility of the
V2O5 compound.
From peak intensities directly derived from the pho-
toelectron spectra, chemical compositions of our VO2:Co2+
lm samples have been determined. We have corrected the
peak intensities with the appropriate physical parameters
accounting for the photoemission signal attenuation due to
scattering (Cabrera-German, Gomez-Sosa and Herrera-Go-
mez, 2016). The results expressed in terms of atomic percen-
tage for each of the observed chemical species are presented
in Figure 6a. Here, we observe that as the Co2+concentration
in the precursor solution increases, the amount of Co2+ in the
820 810 800 790 780
540 535 530 525 520 515
Intensity (a.u)
O 1sV 2p
O met
CO ; C=O
Intensity (a.u)Intensity (a.u)Intensity (a.u)
Intensity (a.u)
Binding energy (eV)
Co 2p
Binding energy (eV)
Figure 5. X-ray photoelectron spectra of VOx:Co2+ lms with dierent concentrations of Co2+.
Figura 5. Espectro de rayos X de películas de VOx:Co2+ con diferentes concentraciones de Co2+.
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Hernandez-Guzman et al: A simple solution method to prepare VO2:Co2+ / XXV (2): 146-152 (2023)
deposited lms also increases, from 0 to 16.55 at %. On the
other hand, the V4+ atomic concentration in all ve samples
vary slightly, from 31 at % (sample S1) to 27 at % (sample S5),
which suggests that the VOx yield is high in all the probed
samples. We can also observe that the percentage of oxygen
atoms bonded to metals is coherent to the chemical species:
VO2 and CoO, reaching 69 at % for sample S1 and decreasing
up to 56.4 at % for sample S5 as the Co2+ in the lms is the
largest. The atomic ratio of vanadium versus cobalt (V:Co) in
each sample is listed in Table 1, changing from 6.6:1 (S2), 4.9:1
(S3), 2.9:1 (S4) to 1.6:1 (S5).
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
2.2 b)
Atomic Percent (at%)
O/Metal ratio
Figure 6. XPS chemical composition assessment: (a) atomic percentage (at%)
of elements O, V and Co, and (b) O/V and O/(V+Co) atomic ratios of VOx:Co2+
thin lms.
Figura 6. Evaluación de la composición química por XPS: (a) porcentaje
atómico (at%) de los elementos O, V y Co, y (b) proporciones atómicas O/V y
O/(V+Co) de las películas delgadas de VOx:Co2+.
For a better assessment of metal oxide compositions
in the lm samples, the ratio between oxygen and metal
concentrations is plotted in Figure 6b. Here, the O/V atomic
ratio lies around the expected stoichiometry of VO2 for all
the samples, which further conrms our previous analysis.
Yet, if we determine the atomic ratio of oxygen to the sum
of the two metallic species, O/(V+Co), we observe that such
ratio decreases with increasing concentration of Co2+ in the
reaction solution, a trend that follows the expected stoichio-
metry of the CoO compound.
We demonstrate that amorphous thin lms of cobalt doped
vanadium dioxide can be prepared from spin-coating with a
simple solution method without using any ligand or surfac-
tant. Optical band gaps of those lms are of 2.3 eV, with hig-
her absorption coecients for cobalt doped samples. From
detailed quantitative photoelectron analysis, we conclude
that there is only one oxidation state of vanadium in all the
lm samples, V4+, giving predominantly VO2 products. The
formation of cobalt oxide is also conrmed by XPS, showing
a Co2+ oxidation state corresponding to possibly disordered
oxygen atoms in an octahedral, correlates to the amorphous
nature of the lms. Furthermore, the surface morphology
of the VO2:Co2+ thin lms is largely inuenced by the cobalt
concentration, giving interconnected circle pore network
when the V:Co atomic ratio is around 4.9:1. The wide band
gap properties with porous surface structure make these
semiconductor thin lms promising for cathode material in
lithium battery applications.
The authors acknowledge the technical assistance of M.L.
Ramon-Garcia for XRD measurements, R. Moran-Elvira for
SEM analysis, G. Casarrubias-Segura for AFM analysis, and M.R.
Banda in XPS data acquisition. The project USO316007880
from División de Ingeniería at the University of Sonora is
also recognize. Francisco Hernandez Guzman gratefully
acknowledges PRODEP grant with the scholarship No. 511-
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