Universidad de Sonora
ISSN: 1665-1456
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Journal of biological and health sciences
*Corresponding author: Jose A. Lopez Valenzuela
e-mail: jalopezvla@uas.edu.mx
Received: December 1, 2022
Accepted: February 5, 2023
Mechanisms associated with endosperm modication
in quality protein maize
Mecanismos asociados con la modicación del endospermo en maíz de calidad proteínica
David Guillermo Gonzalez-Nuñez, Karen Virginia Pineda-Hidalgo, Nancy Yareli Salazar-Salas, Jose Angel Lopez-
Faculty of Chemical-Biological Sciences, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, University City, Av. Americas y Josefa Ortiz de
Dominguez S/N, CP , Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.; davidggn@gmail.com, kvpineda@uas.edu.mx, nancy.salazar@uas.
edu.mx, jalopezvla@uas.edu.mx
Quality protein maize (QPM) combines the protein quality of
the opaque-2 (o2) mutant with a vitreous endosperm. These
characteristics have allowed breeding programs worldwide
to produce QPM genotypes that help alleviate malnutrition
of people in developing countries from Africa, Asia and
Latin America with a cereal-based diet. However, the deve-
lopment of these materials has been inecient due to the
limited knowledge about the molecular basis of the soft o2
endosperm conversion into a vitreous phenotype in QPM.
This conversion has been associated with an increase in small
protein bodies rich in 27 kDa γ-zein, the synthesis of starch
with a higher proportion of amylose and short-intermediate
amylopectin chain branches that favors the compaction of
the starch granules, as well as alterations in the amyloplast
envelope that favors the interaction between starch granules
and protein bodies. Additional studies about the mecha-
nisms involved in the modication of the endosperm in QPM
will contribute to produce materials with good agronomic
characteristics and protein quality.
Keywords: Zea mays L.; endosperm modication; starch;
El maíz de calidad proteínica (MCP) combina la calidad
proteínica de la mutante opaco-2 (o2) con un endospermo
vítreo. Estas características han permitido a los programas
de mejoramiento alrededor del mundo producir genotipos
MCP que ayudan a aliviar la malnutrición de la gente en
países en desarrollo de África, Asia y América Latina con
una dieta basada en cereales. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de
estos materiales ha sido poco eciente debido al limitado
conocimiento acerca de las bases moleculares de la con-
versión del endospermo suave o2 en un fenotipo vítreo en
MCP. Esta conversión se ha asociado con el incremento en
cuerpos proteínicos pequeños ricos en γ-zeína de 27 kDa, la
síntesis de almidón con una mayor proporción de amilosa y
ramicaciones de amilopectina cortas-intermedias que favo-
rece la compactación de los gránulos de almidón, así como
alteraciones en la envoltura de los amiloplastos que favorece
la interacción entre gránulos de almidón y cuerpos proteíni-
cos. Estudios adicionales sobre los mecanismos involucrados
en la modicación del endospermo en MCP contribuirán a
producir materiales con buenas características agronómicas
y buena calidad proteínica.
Palabras clave: Zea mays L., modicación del endospermo,
almidón, zeínas
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important cereal with a global
production of 1,162 million tons in 2020 (FAOSTAT, 2022).
This cereal has a great social impact in developing countries
where it is the main food staple. However, the most abun-
dant proteins of maize (prolamins or zeins) are decient in
the essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan aecting the
nutritional quality of the grain.
Mertz et al. (1964) found that the opaque-2 (o2) muta-
tion (Figure 1) almost doubles the lysine content in maize
endosperm and improves the protein quality, but the use of
this mutant in breeding programs was limited due to its poor
agronomic performance associated with the opaque/soft
endosperm and low seed density. Some years later, Paez et
al. (1969) found that some segregating S2 lines derived from
opaque S1 parents showed modied o2 kernels (50% translu-
cent or vitreous) whose lysine content was not dierent from
the opaque kernels. Therefore, selection for hard endosperm
was started. Researchers from the International Maize and
Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Mexico (Villegas et
al., 1992) and the University of Natal in South Africa (Gevers
and Lake, 1992), developed a modied o2 mutant or quality
protein maize (QPM) (Figure 1) by recurrent backcrossing.
This process required the simultaneous selection of kernels
with normal texture and enhanced levels of essential amino
acids. Thus, QPM combines the protein quality of o2 with a vi-
treous endosperm and has better agronomic characteristics.
The QPM materials developed by the CIMMYT maize
breeding program have been used worldwide as donors of
o2 modiers to produce lines and hybrids adapted to each
region. However, conventional QPM breeding involves the
introgression of o2 into a local adapted genotype that is sub-
DOI: 10.18633/biotecnia.v25i2.1905
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
sequently used to pollinate a modier donor, a process that
requires several generations of backcrossing and self-crossing
and the monitoring of high levels of lysine and tryptophan,
the recessive o2 mutant allele, and the modiers. This lengthy
and laborious strategy can take more than six years. The use
of molecular markers has facilitated QPM breeding but this
process could be more ecient if the mechanisms involved
in the conversion of the soft o2 endosperm into a vitreous
phenotype were understood (Gibbon and Larkins, 2005). The
main mechanisms proposed for this conversion include an
increase in the accumulation of small protein bodies enri-
ched in 27 kDa γ-zein (Wu et al., 2010), the alteration of the
structure and composition of starch due to the increase in the
proportion of amylose and short-intermediate amylopectin
chain branches (Gibbon et al., 2003; Salazar-Salas et al., 2014)
and the loss of the amyloplast envelope due to a reduction
in non-polar carotenoids (Wang et al., 2020). The aim of the
present review is to provide the current advances about the
molecular mechanisms associated with the modication of
the vitreous endosperm in QPM.
The major components of the maize kernel are starch (64 -
78 %) and proteins (8 - 15 %). Starch is mainly found in the
endosperm while proteins are more abundant in the germ.
The remaining components of the grain consist of lipids (4.0
- 4.9 %), ashes (1 - 3 %) and ber (1 - 2 %) (Serna-Saldivar,
2019). Starch and proteins inuence the physicochemical
and structural characteristics of the kernel, highlighting the
importance of these components.
Starch biosynthesis
Starch is the main carbon reserve in cereals (70 - 80 %) and
is mainly responsible for their energetic and economic va-
lue. It is formed by two homopolysaccharides: amylose, an
essentially linear molecule formed by glucose units linked
by α-(1,4) glycosidic bonds, and amylopectin, a molecule for-
med by linear portions of glucose linked by α-(1,4) glycosidic
bonds and ramications linked by α-(1,6) bonds (Pster and
Zeeman, 2016).
In cereals, starch is mainly found in endosperm cells
forming granules and its biosynthesis is carried out by the
coordinated action of multiple enzymes: ADP-Glucose pyro-
phosphorylase (AGPase), starch synthases (GBSS, SS), starch
branching enzymes (SBE) and starch debranching enzymes
(DBE) (Figure 2) (Comparot-Moss and Denyer, 2009). This
process begins with the enzyme AGPase that produces
ADP-glucose in the cytosol, which is transported into the
plastid and serves as a substrate for starch synthase enzy-
mes (Pster and Zeeman, 2016). The granule bound starch
synthase I (GBSSI) is encoded by the waxy locus in cereals and
is responsible for the elongation of amylose, being essential
within the granule matrix. The soluble starch synthases (SSI,
SSII, SSIII and SSIV) are exclusively involved in the synthesis
of amylopectin chains and are associated with the starch
granules. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that each
SS isoform has dierent properties and a dierent role in
amylopectin synthesis. The starch branching enzyme (SBE)
generates α-(1,6) glycosidic bonds after breaking the α-(1,4)
bond and transferring the chain to the C6 from a glucose
residue of another chain, forming the branched structure of
the amylopectin molecule (Huang et al., 2021). Two isoforms
of branching enzymes are expressed in the endosperm of
cereals, branching enzyme I (SBEI) and branching enzyme II
(SBEII), which dier in the length of the transferred glucan
chain and substrate specicity; SBEI shows greater anity for
amylose and transfers longer chains than SBEII, which trans-
fers shorter chains and has greater anity for amylopectin
(Sawada et al., 2018).
The starch debranching enzyme (DBE) catalyzes the
hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds α-(1,6). In higher plants the-
Opaque endosperm
Vitreous endosperm
Vitreous Opaque
γ-zein 27 kDa
α-zein 22 kDa
α-zein 19 kDa
γ-zein 50 kDa
γ-zein 16 kDa
Figure 1. Zein proles and endosperm phenotype of vitreous (QPM) and
opaque maize genotypes. (A) SDS-PAGE separation of zein proteins. The
molecular weight marker (kDa) is shown on the left and the dierent zein
sub-fractions are indicate on the right. A greater abundance of 27-kDa γ-zein
can be observed in the endosperm of vitreous lines compared to the opaque
ones. Adapted from Vega-Alvarez et al. (2022). (B) Cross section of K0326Y
(vitreous) and W64Ao2 (opaque) maize kernels viewed under white light.
(C) Whole grains of K0326Y (vitreous) and W64Ao2 (opaque) viewed under
white light.
Figura 1. Perles de zeínas y fenotipo del endospermo en genotipos de
maíz vítreos (QPM) y opacos. (A) Separación por SDS-PAGE de proteínas
zeínas. El marcador de peso molecular (kDa) se muestra a la izquierda y
las diferentes subfracciones de zeínas se indican a la derecha. Se puede
observar una mayor abundancia de γ-zeína 27 kDa en el endospermo de
líneas vítreas comparado con las opacas. Adaptado de Vega-Alvarez et al.
(2022). (B) Sección transversal de granos de maíz de las líneas K0326Y (vitrea)
y W64Ao2 (opaca) vistos bajo luz blanca. (C) Granos enteros de maíz de las
líneas K0326Y (vitrea) y W64Ao2 (opaca) vistos bajo luz blanca.
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Mechanisms associated with endosperm modication / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
re are two types of DBE and they are dened according to
the specicity of their substrate: debranching enzymes of
the isoamylase type and the pullulanase type. Isoamylase
breaks down amylopectin and phytoglycogen branches,
while pullulanase acts on pullulans and amylopectin but not
phytoglycogen (Robyt, 2009).
Synthesis of zeins
The most abundant storage proteins in maize kernels are
prolamins (soluble in alcohol) or zeins (50-55%), followed
by glutelins (soluble in alkaline solutions) (35-40%), while
albumins (soluble in water) and globulins (soluble in saline
solutions) account for less than 10% of the total proteins
(Larkins, 2019; Sethi et al., 2021). Because zeins are the major
proteins in the kernel, total proteins are typically divided into
zeins and non-zeins. Zeins are synthesized by membrane-de-
limited polyribosomes and transported within the lumen of
the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where they assemble into
protein bodies (Lending and Larkins, 1989). Protein bodies
are small spherical structures made up of a protein matrix
surrounded by a simple membrane; they contain at least four
types of zeins (α-, β-, γ-, δ-), which are classied based on
their solubility and structural similarities as α-zeins (22 and
19 kDa), β-zeins (14 and 16 kDa), γ-zeins (16, 27 and 50 kDa)
and δ-zeins (10 kDa) (Figure 1A) (Coleman and Larkins, 1999).
Immunolocalization studies showed that γ- and β-zeins are
generally located in the peripheral region of protein bodies,
while α-zeins are located in the internal region of these struc-
tures (Lending and Larkins, 1989).
The o2 mutant has a defective transcription factor that
regulates the expression of α-zeins and depending on the
genetic background the content of these proteins can be
reduced more than 50% (Figure 1A) (Kodrzycki et al., 1989).
Zeins are decient in some essential amino acids (lysine and
tryptophan) and the reduced synthesis of these proteins in
o2 results in higher levels of more nutritionally balanced non-
zeins (Lopez-Valenzuela et al., 2004) and free amino acids in
the endosperm (Pineda-Hidalgo et al., 2011). The use of RNA
interference (RNAi) to block the expression of α-zeins has
also shown to increase the levels of lysine and tryptophan
in maize endosperm (Huang et al., 2006), which avoids the
negative characteristics and limitations of the recessive o2
mutant. The Cas9/CRISPR technology represents another
biotechnological alternative to reduce or remove zein gene
expression as a strategy to increase the levels of proteins with
a better balance of essential amino acids (Jiang et al., 2022).
Malnutrition is a problem that aects more than 828 million
people worldwide, 98% of which are from developing cou-
ntries, mainly Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean,
and includes 150 million children (FAOSTAT, 2022). People
from developing countries with a cereal-based diet have a
high risk of protein and lysine deciency (Muleya et al., 2022),
although this deciency can occur in any people with a diet
based on cereals. Several investigations have documented
the benets of QPM in human nutrition, highlighting its po-
tential to mitigate problems associated with protein-energy
deciency in children under 5 years of age, the elderly and
pregnant women, considered the most vulnerable groups
(Hossain et al., 2019).
The consumption of QPM instead of normal maize, in-
creased 12 - 15% the weight growth rate in infants and young
children, with mild to moderate undernutrition (Akalu et al.,
2010; Gunaratna et al., 2010). QPM has also a higher content
of phenylalanine and isoleucine, suggesting it can be inclu-
ded in the family diet to reduce the risk of inadequate protein
intake (Gunaratna et al., 2019). Tortillas from nixtamalized and
extruded QPM ours showed higher nutritional indicators (C-
PER, protein digestibility, PER, NPR, PDCAAS) than those from
normal maize, suggesting they may have a positive eect
on the nutritional status of people from countries where
these products are widely consumed (Gutiérrez-Dorado et
al., 2008). Desalegn et al. (2015) showed that QPM based
complementary foods have good sensory acceptability and
can help meet the minimum recommended daily dose of
energy (370 kcal) and protein (10.9 g) for children aged 6 -
36 months, as well as two thirds of the recommended iron
and zinc daily dose and up to 50 % of vitamin A. The supple-
mentation of malnourished young children (4 - 6 years old)
with QPM-based biscuits reduced the percentage of anemic
subjects from 63.3 % to 16.6 % and the prevalence of severe
underweight from 23.3 % to 0 % (Grover et al., 2020).
In recognition of the great potential of QPM to improve
human nutrition in poor countries where maize is a staple
food, Dr. Surinder K. Vasal and Dr. Evangelina Villegas from
Figure 2. Starch biosynthesis pathway in the endosperm of cereals.
The cytosol and plastid are indicated. Enzymes are indicated in italics:
Susy, sucrose synthase; UGPase, UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase; PGM,
phosphoglucomutase; FK, fructokinase; PGI, phosphoglucose isomerase;
PPiase, pyrophosphatase; AGPase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase; GBSSI,
granule bound starch synthase; SS, starch synthase; SBE, starch branching
enzyme. Adapted from Comparot-Moss and Denyer (2009).
Figura 2. Ruta de síntesis de almidón en el endospermo de cereales. Se
indican el citosol y el plástido. Las enzimas están indicadas en itálicas:
Susy, sacarosa sintasa; UGPasa, UDP glucosa pirofosforilasa; PGM,
fosfoglucomutasa; AGPasa, ADP-glucosa pirofosforilasa; GBSSI, almidón
sintasa unida al gránulo; SS, almidón sintasa; SBE, enzyma ramicadora de
almidón. Adaptada de Comparot-Moss and Denyer (2009).
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
CIMMYT were awarded with the World Food Prize in 2000
(Cordova, 2001).
Despite the QPM nutritional value and agronomic perfor-
mance, the cultivation and adoption of these materials
on a large scale has not been achieved, mainly due to the
low availability of genetically diverse and competitive QPM
hybrids compared to non-QPM / normal hybrids, the lack
of information about their health benets and government
incentives (Hossain et al., 2018; Maqbool et al., 2021). Never-
theless, breeding programs have been implemented around
the world with the purpose of producing new and better
QPM genotypes; they have mainly used QPM donors from
CIMMYT in Mexico (Cordova, 2001; Vivek et al., 2008). Until
2015, more than 167 QPM varieties were released worldwi-
de, 53 % in Africa, 25 % in Latin America and 22 % in Asia
(Twumasi-Afriyie et al., 2016). Some of these QPM genotypes
are listed in Table 1. Conventional breeding strategies such as
recurrent selection were initially used for QPM development,
but in the last decades a widely used strategy to develop
these materials is molecular marker-assisted breeding and
most of the studies have used SSR markers (e.g. phi 057, phi
112 and umc 1066) located within the o2 gene on the short
arm of chromosome 7 (www.maizegdb.org) (Maqbool et al.,
2021). Some examples include the QPM version of the line V25
derived from the cross V25 × CML176 (QPM), which shows an
increase in tryptophan content (0.85 %) and maintains a hard
endosperm (Babu et al., 2005), as well as Vivek QPM-9 (VQL
1 × VQL 2) that contains 41 % more tryptophan and 30 %
more lysine than the original hybrid (Vivek Hybrid-9) (Table
1) (Gupta et al., 2013).
Other researchers have focused on developing new
QPM genotypes with certain agronomic and gastronomic
characteristics, but always seeking to maintain the nutritional
quality of o2. For instance, the Zhao OP-6 /o2o2 corn was ge-
nerated by introducing the o2 allele into the Zhao OP-6 waxy
corn to produce a waxy QPM line intended for the Chinese
market, where waxy corn is widely used in food processing
because of its high viscosity and digestibility (Zhou et al.,
2016). Quality Protein Popcorn (QPP) was developed recently,
which showed a higher lysine content compared to its parent
elite line and maintained its bursting capacity, demonstrating
the potential use of QPM for the production of grains with
specic functional characteristics and good protein quality
(Ren et al., 2018). Since most of the eorts to develop QPM
have been based on the use of molecular markers that co-
inherit with the o2 phenotype, improving the understanding
of the molecular basis of endosperm modication could help
to develop these materials more eciently.
Increased accumulation of γ-zein proteins
One of the rst biochemical changes observed in QPM
genotypes was an increase in γ-zein content (2 to 5 times)
compared to o2 (Figure 1A) and normal maize (Wallace et al.,
1990). Immunolocalization studies suggested that γ-zein ini-
tiates the formation of protein bodies (Lending and Larkins,
1989), which is supported by the fact that inhibition of the
27 kDa γ-zein encoding gene reduces signicantly the num-
ber of protein bodies, while the inhibition of 19 and 22 kDa
α-zeins decreases the diameter of these structures (Guo et al.,
2013). The γ-zeins are highly linked with disulde bonds and
it has been hypothesized that the covalent bonds of γ-zeins
and other cysteine rich proteins promote the formation of a
protein network around starch granules (Lopes and Larkins,
1991). Therefore, it has been proposed that an increase in the
number of protein bodies and their compaction among the
starch granules is, at least partially, responsible for the mo-
dication of the endosperm (Figure 3A). A genetic analysis
using recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from the cross
of Pool 33 (QPM) and W64Ao2 (soft endosperm), identied
two loci associated with endosperm modication; these loci
were located on the long arm of chromosome 7, one near
the centromere linked to a 27 kDa γ-zein locus and the other
near the telomere (Lopes et al., 1995). Holding et al. (2008)
identied 7 loci associated with o2 modier genes (mo2) in
an F2 progeny from the cross of K0326Y-QPM and W64Ao2;
two major loci located on chromosomes 7 and 9 explained
40 % of the phenotypic variation and were linked to 27 kDa
γ-zein and starch synthesis genes, respectively. Holding et al.
(2011) developed RIL from the F2 progeny and the kernels
were characterized for vitreousness, density and hardness;
genetic mapping with these RIL identied loci on chromo-
somes 1, 7 and 9, conrming their linkage with γ-zein and
starch biosynthesis genes.
Several studies have focused on the 27 kDa γ-zein locus
to understand the mechanism of o2 modier genes. There is
more than one gene for 27 kDa γ-zein in this locus, which are
assigned depending on the genotype and are called A and
B, and together form the AB locus (Das et al., 1990). The AB
locus of γ-zeins is not stable and can be rearranged to form
A and B, called rA and rB, respectively (Das et al., 1990; Das
et al., 1991). Because all known QPM lines contain the A and
B genes, and all F2 progeny from a cross of a QPM and an
o2 mutant contain the AB locus, it has been hypothesized
that the AB locus is necessary for endosperm modication,
although it is also emphasized that this locus by itself is not
sucient to achieve such modication (Lopes et al., 1995).
Although the molecular mechanism of the mo2 genes
is not fully understood, evidence suggests that a greater
stability of the γ-zein mRNA and/or a higher transcription
rate may be responsible for a larger accumulation of the 27
kDa γ-zein protein in modied o2 genotypes. Geetha et al.
(1991) suggested that the role of mo2 genes is to increase the
stability of γ-zein mRNA and protein synthesis. Or et al. (1993)
suggested that the stability of the A gene mRNA initiates en-
hanced 27 kDa γ-zein protein synthesis. Burnett and Larkins
(1999) found that the A:B ratio of γ-zein mRNA in mo2 endos-
perms was more than 40:1, compared to a 1:1 ratio for normal
maize and 3:1 for o2, indicating that these relationships can
result from dierent transcription rates of the genes A and B.
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Mechanisms associated with endosperm modication / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
Table 1. Development of QPM genotypes.
Tabla 2. Desarrollo de genotipos QPM.
Name Pedigree/Background Gene(s) introgressed Country Reference
NB-Nutrinta (OPV) Poza Rica 8763 o2 Nicaragua Cordova (2001)
HQ INTA-993 (hybrid)
HB-PROTICTA (hybrid)
HQ-61 (hybrid)
HQ-31 (hybrid)
ICA- (hybrid)
FONAIAP (hybrid)
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
(CML144 × CML159) CML176
El Salvador
Cordova (2001)
BR-473, BR-451 (OPV) o2 Brazil Cordova (2001)
INIA- (hybrid) CML161 × CML165 o2 Peru Cordova (2001)
HQ-2000 (hybrid) CML161 × CML165 o2 Vietnam Cordova (2001)
Zhongdan 9409 (hybrid) Pool 33 × Temp QPM o2 China Cordova (2001)
QUIAN2609 (hybrid) Tai 19/02 × CML171 o2 China Cordova (2001)
Susuma (OPV) Across 8363SR Mozambique, Senegal Krivanek et al. (2007)
Longe-5 ‘Nalongo’ (OPV) Across 8363SR Uganda Krivanek et al. (2007)
Obatanpa (OPV) Across 8363SR
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon,
Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Ma-
lawi, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, South
Africa, Togo
Krivanek et al. (2007)
Lishe-K1(OPV) Across 8363SR Tanzania Krivanek et al. (2007)
EV 99 QPM (OPV) Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal,
Togo Krivanek et al. (2007)
KH500Q (hybrid) (CML144 × CML159) CML181 o2 Kenya Krivanek et al. (2007)
BHQP542 (hybrid) (CML144 × CML159) CML176 o2 Ethiopia Krivanek et al. (2007)
MHQ138 (hybrid) (CML144 × CML159) Pool15Q o2 Ethiopia Jilo (2022)
BHQPY545 (hybrid) CML181 × CML165 o2 Ethiopia Jilo (2022)
QS-7705 (hybrid) o2 South Africa Krivanek et al. (2007)
GH-132-28 (hybrid) P62, P63 o2 Ghana Krivanek et al. (2007)
ZS261Q (hybrid) (CZL01006 × CML176) ×
(CZL01005 × CML181) o2 Zimbabwe Krivanek et al. (2007)
441C (hybrid) CML142 × CML116 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
H-551C (hybrid) CML142 × CML150 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
H-553C (hybrid) (CML142 × CML150) CML176 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
H-519C (hybrid) (CML144 × CML159) CML170 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
H-368EC (hybrid) CML186 × CML149 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
H-369EC (hybrid) CML176 × CML186 o2 Mexico Cordova (2001)
V-537C (OPV)
V-538C (OPV)
Poza Rica 8763
Across 8762 o2 Mexico Gómez-M et al. (2003)
H-374C (hybrid) (CML176 × CML142) CML186 o2 Mexico Noriega González et al.
H-564C (hybrid) (LT158 × LT159) LT160 o2 Mexico Sierra Macías et al. (2011)
V556AC (OPV) o2 Mexico Twumasi-Afriyie et al.
ZAPATA 3 o2 Mexico Twumasi-Afriyie et al.
ZAPATA 9 o2 Mexico Twumasi-Afriyie et al.
V25 QPM (line) V25 × CML176 o2 India Babu et al. (2005)
Vivek QPM-9 (hybrid) VQL1 (CM212 × CML180) × VQL2
(CM145 × CML170) o2 India Gupta et al. (2009); Gupta et
al. (2013)
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
Name Pedigree/Background Gene(s) introgressed Country Reference
BC2F4-1 (line) QCL3024 (o16) × QCL5019 (wx)
and QCL5008 (wx)o16 China Yang et al. (2013)
BQPM9 (line)
BQPM10 (line)
BQPM11 (line)
BQPM12, BQPM16 (line)
BQPM13, BQPM14 (line)
BQPM15 (line)
BQPM17 (line)
(B99 × CLQ 06901) B99
(B99 × CLRQ 00502) B99
(B100 × CLQ 06901) B100
(CLQ 06901 × B98) B98
(CLQ 06901 × B97) B97
(B91 × CLQ 06901) B91
(CLQ 06901 × B113) B113
o2 USA Worral et al. (2015)
ZPL 3 QPM (line)
ZPL 5 QPM (line)
ZPL 3 × CML144
ZPL5 × CML144 o2 Serbia Kostadinovic et al. (2016)
Zhao OP-6/o2o2 (line)Zhao OP-6 × QPM CA339
(pool33) o2 China Zhou et al. (2016)
BML-7 QPM (line) BML-7 × CML-186 o2 India Krishna et al. (2017)
CBML6 QPM (line)
CBML7 QPM (line)
DHM117 (hybrid)
BML6 × CML181
BML7 × CML181
o2 India Surender et al. (2017)
HM4 QPM (line)
HM8 QPM (line)
HM9 QPM (line)
HKI323 × HKI161
HKI1105 × CMLI61
HKI1128 × HKI193-1
o2 India Hossain et al. (2018)
V238AC (OPV) Comiteco race (yellow) × CML-
172 o2 Mexico Coutiño Estrada and Váz-
quez Carrillo (2018)
Quality Protein Popcorn (QPP)
CML154Q × (P2, P3, P9)
Tx807 × P2
K0326Y × (P3, P7)
o2 USA Ren et al. (2018)
QCL8006-1 (line) QCL8006-2
QCL3024 (o16) × Taixi19 (o2) and
QCL5019 (wx)o2/o16 China Wang et al. (2019)
HM5-A (hybrid)
HM12-B (hybrid)
(HKI1344 × PMI-102-o2o16) ×
(HKI1348-6-2 × PMI-102-o2o16)
(HKI1344 × PMI-102-o2o16) ×
HKI1378 × PMI-102-o2o16)
o2/o16 India Chand et al. (2022)
V56AC (OPV) Oloton race (yellow) × CML-172 o2 Mexico Coutiño Estrada et al.
OPV: Open pollinated variety.
These results are consistent with a model in which the two
loci associated with mo2 genes inuence the expression of
γ-zein genes through dierent mechanisms: one aects the
transcription of the γ-zein locus and the other inuences the
stability of the γ-zein RNA. Holding et al. (2011) evaluated the
expression in developing endosperm (18 days after pollina-
tion, DAP) of QPM lines contrasting in vitreousness, reporting
a higher expression of the 27 kDa γ-zein gene and greater
accumulation of the protein in vitreous QPM lines compared
to o2 lines (Figure 1A). Wu et al. (2010) used RNAi to block
the expression of 27 kDa γ-zein in the CM105mo2 maize
line; and found that RNAi caused the reversal of the vitreous
phenotype to o2, demonstrating that 27 kDa γ-zein plays an
essential role in the modication of the endosperm in QPM.
Similar ndings were reported by Yuan et al. (2014) who used
γ-radiation mutagenesis to identify genes related to the
modication of the o2 mutant; they observed a generalized
decrease in α-zeins and an increase in γ-zeins (27 and 50 kDa)
in the K0326Y-QPM line compared to W64A+. The authors
proposed that the 27 kDa γ-zein plays an important role in
the formation of protein bodies and that the 50 kDa γ-zein,
despite being in a smaller proportion, could also be involved
in endosperm modication.
A genetic analysis in QPM RILs identied a locus (qγ27)
on chromosome 7 that results from the duplication of the 27
kDa γ-zein gene and causes an increase in gene expression
and the synthesis of 27 kDa γ-zein in QPM and wild-type
lines, conrming that the improved expression of 27 kDa
γ-zein is critical for endosperm modication in QPM (Liu et
al., 2016). The higher expression of 27 kDa γ-zein causes that
QPM endosperm accumulates a greater amount of small
protein bodies, which are suggested to allow the formation
of a more rigid vitreous matrix that resembles a wild type of
maize endosperm (Figure 3A) (Wu et al., 2010).
Alteration in starch composition and structure
The non-zein fraction in maize endosperm includes meta-
bolic enzymes that may also play a role in QPM endosperm
modication. Gibbon et al. (2003) performed a gel-based pro-
teomic analysis of non-zeins in maize near isogenic lines con-
trasting in vitreousness (CM105+, CM105o2 and CM105mo2),
and found that the vitreous QPM line showed an increased
accumulation of the enzyme granule-bound starch synthase
I (GBSSI), which is responsible for the synthesis of amylose.
The authors also found that amylopectin in the vitreous
endosperms showed a higher proportion of short branches
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Mechanisms associated with endosperm modication / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
compared to that of normal and o2. These alterations in
starch structure may increase the proportion of amorphous
regions at the surface of starch granules, which favors their
compaction and the vitreous phenotype (Figure 3A). These
results suggested that starch biosynthetic enzymes may play
an important role in endosperm modication.
Genetic analyses of the cross between K0326Y-QPM
and W64Ao2 found a locus for vitreousness on chromosome
9 near genes involved in starch biosynthesis (Holding et al.,
2008; Holding et al., 2011). The biochemical characterization
of this locus, using RILs derived from the same cross, showed
that starch from vitreous mature endosperms had higher
levels of amylose and lower crystallinity compared to starch
from opaque endosperms, which was associated with lower
gelatinization enthalpy (Salazar-Salas et al., 2014). This beha-
vior was also observed by Juárez-García et al. (2013) who re-
ported lower enthalpy values in starches from vitreous lines
compared to those from opaque lines at the mature state.
These results could be explained by the higher proportion
of amylose and short branches of amylopectin in starch from
the vitreous lines. Short branches of amylopectin can reduce
crystal formation, while a higher proportion of long chains
can form more organized crystals that require higher tempe-
rature and gelatinization enthalpy (Jane et al., 1999). These
studies suggest that alterations in the amylopectin structure
play an important role in the modication of the endosperm.
Wu et al. (2015) reported that SSSIII may aect pullu-
lanase activity and indirectly inuence the vitreousness
of the kernel by altering the distribution and length of the
amylopectin glucan chains. Soluble starch synthase I (SSSI)
produces short chains with degrees of polymerization (GP)
of 8 - 12, while SSSII and SSSIII isoforms seem to be involved
in the formation of intermediate (GP 13 - 25) and long (GP
> 30) chains, respectively (Nakamura et al., 2005). A higher
proportion of amylopectin intermediate chains (GP 10 - 24)
and a decrease in the proportion of chains with GP of 25 - 40
was observed in starch from K0326Y-QPM and vitreous RILs
with respect to starch from W64Ao2 and opaque RILs, which
was associated with a higher proportion of amorphous
regions in the starch granules that favors their compaction
adopting polygonal shapes (Gibbon et al., 2003; Salazar-Salas
et al., 2014). This provides a mechanism that complements
the one associated with an increase in small protein bodies
rich in γ-zein (27 kDa) that ll the spaces between the starch
granules creating the vitreous phenotype (Figure 3A).
Genetic mapping of starch physicochemical properties
in RIL derived from K0326Y QPM and W64Ao2 identied
three loci on bins 4.05, 5.04, and 9.03 close to the starch
biosynthesis genes Brittle-2 (Bt2), Amylose extender-1 (Ae1),
and Waxy-1 (Wx1), respectively (Vega-Alvarez et al., 2022);
the analysis of gene expression in developing endosperm (30
days after pollination, DAP) showed that the transcript levels
of Wx1 were signicantly higher in K0326Y QPM and vitreous
RILs compared with W64Ao2 and opaque lines, which corres-
ponded to a greater GBSSI and amylose accumulation in the
vitreous lines at the same developmental stage. These results
are in agreement with those reported in mature endosperm
(Salazar-Salas et al., 2014) and conrms an important role for
GBSSI in the modication of the QPM endosperm. Jia et al.
(2013) analyzed the expression in developing endosperm
(22 DAP) of W64Ao2 and its normal counterpart and found
a lower expression of Wx1 in the opaque mutant. This study
also revealed that the expression of genes encoding pullula-
nase (Zpu1) and starch branching IIb (SBEllb) enzymes was
higher in W64Ao2 than W64A+. The regulation of these genes
may change the proportions of amylose and the branching
patterns of amylopectin in the starch granules of the o2
mutant contributing to the soft endosperm. Gonzalez-Nuñez
(2022) analyzed the activity of GBSSI and SBEIIb in develo-
ping endosperms (28 DAP) of K0326Y-QPM, W64Ao2 and RIL
contrasting in vitreousness; the GBSSI activity was higher
in the endosperm of the vitreous lines and was associated
with a higher proportion of amylose, whereas the activity of
SBEIIb was higher in opaque lines that showed higher levels
of amylopectin. These results support the hypothesis that en-
dosperm modication in QPM is associated with the synthe-
sis of starch with a higher proportion of amylose, which may
facilitate the packing of the starch granules resulting in the
vitreous phenotype (Figure 3A).
Modulation of carotenoid composition in amyloplast
Wang et al. (2020) identied Ven1 as a major QTL inuencing
the vitreous phenotype in the mature maize kernel. Ven1
encodes for the enzyme β-carotene hydroxylase 3, which
modulates the composition of carotenoids in the amyloplast
envelope. They observed that in the opaque endosperm is a
dysfunctional Ven1 allele that decreases the content of polar
carotenoids and increases that of non-polar carotenoids in
the amyloplast envelope, which provides greater stability
to this structure that under normal circumstances disap-
pears during kernel desiccation. The non-disruption of the
amyloplast envelope results in a poor interaction between
the protein bodies and the starch granules, leading to a soft
endosperm (Figure 3A).
Amelioration of the stress response by increasing the
energy availability
The development of the o2 endosperm involves a stress
response that reduces the energy levels and aects ATP-
dependent processes such as zein proteins synthesis (Li et
al., 2020). This may be due to a reduction in the expression
of pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK1), aecting glycolysis
and the energy production. Holding et al. (2008) and Holding
et al. (2011) identied several dierentially upregulated ge-
nes in QPM, including pyrophosphate-dependent fructose-
6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFPα), a non-ATP-de-
pendent glycolytic enzyme. It was proposed that the higher
activity of PFPα in QPM compensates the reduced availability
of ATP in o2 endosperm (Guo et al., 2012). A cytosolic PPDK2
was also identied by these authors as an ATP-independent
glycolytic enzyme. Li et al. (2020) also found PFPα as a candi-
Volume XXV, Issue 2
Gonzalez-Nuñez et al: Biotecnia / XXV (2): 79-89 (2023)
date gene for endosperm modication in QPM and identied
cytosolic enolase (ENO) as another ATP-independent glyco-
lytic enzyme. Thus, the increased synthesis of enzymes that
do not require ATP for glycolysis in QPM provides energy by a
mechanism that is repressed in o2 endosperm.
There have been important advances in the understanding
of the mechanisms associated with endosperm modication
in QPM. However, the application of this information for the
ecient development of QPM materials is dicult due to the
multiple mechanisms involved in the creation of the vitreous
endosperm. So far, the increased accumulation of 27 kDa
γ-zeins seems to have the major contribution to the vitreous
phenotype, which is complemented with the alterations in
the composition and structure of the starch granules that
favor their compaction, as well as with alterations in the
composition of the amyloplast envelope that result in the
degradation of this structure during endosperm desiccation,
allowing a better interaction between protein bodies and
starch granules. These processes may not be possible without
the availability of energy provided by enzymes that enhance
the non-ATP-dependent glycolytic ux.
This research was supported by grants from National Council
for Science and Technology CONACYT (167584 and 284552).
The authors have no conict of interest to declare.
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Opaque endosperm Vitreous endosperm
More γ-zein and
protein bodies
Synthesis of compact
starch granules
Disruption of
amyloplast envelope
(angular shapes)
Figure 3. Vitreous endosperm formation in quality protein maize. (A) Representation of the main mechanisms associated with
endosperm modication: Mechanism associated with an increase in protein bodies (PB) rich in 27 kDa γ-zein that ll the spaces
between starch granules (SG); Mechanism associated with changes in the composition and morphology of the starch granules that
favors their compaction and interaction with PBs; Mechanism associated with the disruption of the amyloplast membrane that
favors the interactions between starch granules and PBs. PL, Phospholipids; NPC, Non-polar carotenoids. Adapted from Wang et al.
(2020). (B) Cross section of mature kernels from opaque-2 and QPM genotypes showing the extent of vitreous endosperm.
Figura 3. Formación del endospermo vítreo en el maíz de calidad de proteínica. (A) Representación de los principales mecanis-
mos asociados con la modicación del endospermo: Mecanismo asociado con un incremento en cuerpos proteínicos (PB) ricos en
γ-zeína 27 kDa que llenan los espacios entre los gránulos de almidón (SG); Mecanismos asociado con cambios en la composición y
morfología de los gránulos de almidón que favorece su compactación e interacción con PBs; Mecanismo asociado con la disrupción
de la membrana del amiloplasto que favorece las interacciones entre los gránulos de almidón y PBs. PL, fosfolípidos; NPC, carotenoi-
des no polares. Adaptada de Wang et al. (2020). (B) Sección transversal de granos maduros de genotipos opaco-2 y MCP mostrando
la extensión del endospermo vítreo.
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