Effects of an agroforestry system productive management on the associated diversity of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Yucatán, México
agroecosystems, biodiversity, Braconidae, conservation, specialistsAbstract
The overuse of pesticides, landscape fragmentation and poor environmental management practices have contributed to the drastic decline of Neotropical unique biodiversity. Parasitoid wasps are widely used as biological control agents, however little is known about the effects of land use and degradation on parasitoid species richness and abundance. This work explores how parasitoid species richness is affected by agroecosystems in which plant diversity is limited (crops; crops adjacent to secondary vegetation). It was found that there is no direct effect of plant diversity in the group of parasitoids studied; however, the number of specialist species (koinobionts) was high, which indicates that diversified agroecosystems probably function as remnants of natural habitat. Future research could help further understand the extent to which landscape fragmentation and plant diversity may alter host-plants interactions and parasitism strategies.
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