Desi-type chickenpea (Cicer arietinum L.) forage yield, grain and quality
Cicer arietinum, Cattle, feedAbstract
Due to the importance of the Desi type chickpea in certain areas of Mexico, as food for cattle, the research was carried out with the objective of evaluate and identify outstanding genotypes to produce forage, grain and nutritional quality, from five chickpea genotypes, four from INIFAP and one from ICRISAT. Field trials were established during the 2018 – 2019 and 2019 – 2020 fall-winter agricultural cycles according to a fully randomized block design. The five genotypes showed similar grain yield (3.48 – 3.87 t ha-1); the variety El Patron presented the highest biological yield (14.21 t ha-1), waste yield (10.73 t ha-1) and the highest capacity of animal units to feed. The grain of the San Antonio 05 variety presented the highest protein content (24.04 %) and the experimental line ICC-1273, the lowest (21.55 %). The preference analysis showed that the ICC-1273 genotype was the one with the highest nutritional quality. All genotypes showed an important content of minerals, being K+ (1.35 to 1.44 %) the one with the highest concentration.
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