Sunflower profitability and grain yield as function of soil type, nitrogen and biofertilizer




Heliantus annus, total biomass, fertilization, salinity


The objective of this study was to determine the in­fluence of soil type, nitrogen and biofertilizer on phenology, total biomass, grain yield and its components on sunflower cultivation. At the Postgraduates College, the study was carried out, where the sunflower cv Victory was sowed. The treatments under study were two types of soil with two nitrogen levels, with and without biofertilizers. The plant’s phenology, total biomass, harvest index, grain yield and its components were evaluated. For the soils under study, nitro­gen fertilization and the biofertilizer were found not to affect the phenological stages, but a change in total biomass and grain yield was observed, where the highest production and net income was recorded with the application of nitrogen at 100 kg ha-1 and biofertilizer inoculation, in the soil with the lowest salinity.


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How to Cite

Arenas-Julio, Y., Escalante-Estrada, J., Aguilar-Carpio, C., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, M., & Sosa-Montes, E. (2021). Sunflower profitability and grain yield as function of soil type, nitrogen and biofertilizer. Biotecnia, 23(1), 45–51.



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