Hydrodynamic effect and corn (Zea mays L.) production in a clay loam soil with the application of an organic additive in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico


  • Homero Lugo Valenzuela Agricultura https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5531-2712
  • Jorge Victor Prado Hernandez Agriculture
  • Mario Alberto Vazquez Peña Agriculture
  • Joel Pineda Pineda Agriculture
  • Noe v Agriculture




Corn planting, water use, organic additive, corn production.


Recurrent droughts and competition for water are the main threats to the development of corn (Zea mays L.) in agricultural areas of Sinaloa, Mexico. Sinaloa is the main state in national corn production, but an excessive amount of water is applied in gravity irrigation, a situation that should decrease without reducing crop yields. There are many ways to improve the humidity conditions in the soils, one of them is minimum tillage and conservation, synthetic gels, which allow the retention of humidity in the soils. But in conditions of low availability and high water competition, strategies are required to improve water retention, organic additives are an alternative due to their high moisture retention. This research aims to know the effect that different doses of an organic additive have, in corn cultivation (cost-production), during the winter cycle 2018-2019 in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. An experimental design of 3 divided plots was developed, plot 1 (treatment 1), plot 2 (treatment 2), plot 3 (treatment 3). A positive effect was found in the increase of soil moisture retention and a greater production of corn grain as the dose of the organic additive increased.

Keywords: Organic improver, corn planting, water expenditure, corn production.



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Author Biographies

Jorge Victor Prado Hernandez, Agriculture

Autonomous University of Chapingo

Mario Alberto Vazquez Peña, Agriculture

Autonomous University of Chapingo


Joel Pineda Pineda, Agriculture

Autonomous University of Chapingo


Noe v, Agriculture

Autonomous University of Chapingo



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Volumen XXIV, Número 3

Lugo-Valenzuela et al: Efecto hidrodinámico y producción de maíz (Zea mays L.) / XXIV (3): 22-27 (2022)

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How to Cite

Lugo Valenzuela, H., Prado Hernandez, J. V. ., Vazquez Peña, M. A., Pineda Pineda, J. ., & v, N. (2022). Hydrodynamic effect and corn (Zea mays L.) production in a clay loam soil with the application of an organic additive in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. Biotecnia, 24(3), 22–27. https://doi.org/10.18633/biotecnia.v24i3.1632



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