Fragmented rice hulls as a component of the growth medium of basil seedlings
Fragmented rice hulls in basil seedlings
Ocimum basilicum, physical properties, substrate temperatureAbstract
Substrates, due to their properties, can differentiate seedlings growth, although this can vary according to the time of the year. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the fragmented rice husk (FH), alone and in a mixture with peat moss (PM) or vermiculite (V), on the growth of basil seedlings (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the autumn and spring seasons. The hypothesis was that seedling growth will increase due to the increase
of the rice husk in relation to PM or V, and that the growth will contrast in autumn and in spring. The experimental design was factorial 9x2, with 20 repetitions; the analysis of variance and comparison of means were carried out (Tukey p ≤ 0.05).
The variables were as follows: height; stem diameter; leafy area; dry and fresh biomass of the aerial part; dry and fresh root biomass, and root length and volume. Interactions of the substrate and the production cycle were found, in which the FH and FH+PM-25:75 substrates were most adequate in
autumn, and FH+PM-50:50 in spring, in terms of presenting the highest values of the majority of the variables.
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