Effect of microbial biostimulants on the size and weight of bell pepper and tomato fruits under protected conditions of macrotunnel


  • Jacel Adame García
  • Félix David Murillo Cuevas Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. Úrsulo Galván http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5078-6724
  • Héctor Cabrera Mireles INIFAP, Cotaxtla Experimental Field
  • Jazmín Villegas Narváez National Technology of Mexico-I.T. Ursulo Galvan
  • Adriana Elena Rivera Meza National Technology of Mexico-I.T. Ursulo Galvan
  • Andrés Vásquez Hernández INIFAP, Cotaxtla Experimental Field




Genifix, Bacillus, Trichoderma, vegetables, protected agriculture


The intensive production of vegetables has caused excessive dependence on chemical fertilization, which has generated environmental and food safety problems. An option to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizers is the management of nutrients through microbial inoculations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two biostimulants based on Trichoderma spp. and one from Bacillus spp., on the diameter, length and weight of bell pepper and tomato fruits under macrotunnel conditions. The treatments were: Genifix®, T22®, Mix® and control (blank). A completely randomized block design with four repetitions was used. Three harvests were made per crop. The response variables were: weight, diameter and fruit length, in addition to the weight of 20 fruits chosen at random. The fruits obtained with the Genifix treatment were larger and heavier, with significant differences from the rest of the treatments. The T22 and Mix also showed a significant effect on the development of larger and heavier fruits in relation to the control in most harvests. The evaluated biostimulants improved the size and weight of bell pepper and tomato fruits in plants with minimal traditional fertilization management under macrotunnel conditions.


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Author Biography

Félix David Murillo Cuevas, Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. Úrsulo Galván

Departamento de Ingeniería, Jefe del Laboratorio de Entomología del Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván


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How to Cite

Adame García, J., Murillo Cuevas, F. D., Cabrera Mireles, H., Villegas Narváez, J., Rivera Meza, A. E., & Vásquez Hernández, A. (2022). Effect of microbial biostimulants on the size and weight of bell pepper and tomato fruits under protected conditions of macrotunnel. Biotecnia, 25(1), 81–87. https://doi.org/10.18633/biotecnia.v25i1.1772



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