Effect of solar radiation intensity of the grazing system on Pelibuey sheep behavior in rainy season
Effect of solar radiation intensity of the grazing system on sheep behavior
trees, animal welfare, silvopastoral system, shade.Abstract
The objective was to determine the effect of solar radiation intensity of the grazing system on sheep behavior. Treatment 1 consisted of: monoculture of natural grasses (47 ± 5 lux); treatment 2: natural grasses with Leucaena leucocephala trees (34 ± 3 lux); and treatment 3: natural grasses with Manguifera indica trees (16 ± 3 lux). The total time of each activity per session of the day was determined. A completely randomized design was used with a 3x2 factorial arrangement (three intensities of solar radiation for two sessions per day). Grazing behavior was affected by the interaction between factors. The grazing-walking activity was higher in the pastures with lower levels of solar radiation (Leucaena y Manguifera), with 217.50 y 216.38 min, respectively, in the morning session, while all times were lower in the afternoon session, with the lowest result in grazing in the sun (108.05 minutes). The reduction of solar radiation under the treetops favored the behavior of the sheep, this allowed the animals to perform resting and ruminating activities under the shade of the trees, more preferably in the afternoon session.
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