


Health Belief Model, Athletic Injuries, Sports Medicine


Crossfit training is becoming more and more known at various levels, as it involves multiple disciplines such as Olympic lifting, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, among others. It has been shown that this discipline can be highly injurious compared to other types of sports. The objective was to describe the beliefs about the risk of musculoskeletal injuries associated with the practice of crossfit. This study is classified as qualitative research with hermeneutic approach, it was conducted with the inductive method, the participants were male and female Crossfit practitioners. The results showed that participants emphasize the physical aspect, compare the discipline with other sports and generate a commitment to crossfit. They are influenced by third parties to start and stay in the practice. They believe that the facilitators for injuries are having a poorly trained trainer and inadequate technique, within the barriers they believe in previous physical preparation, the use of protective elements and a trained trainer. It is concluded that behavioral, normative and control beliefs are fundamental for the practitioner to be able to perform successfully in sport.


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How to Cite

Castaño, A., Jiménez, I., Rosero, J., Ramírez, M., & Calvo-Soto, A. P. (2024). BELIEFS ABOUT THE RISK OF MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRACTICE OF CROSSFIT . Biotecnia, 26, e2281.



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