Resistance of soybean lines to Alternaria spp., Septoria glycines and witching from soil diseases
Glycine max; incidence; resistanceAbstract
The objective of the present study was to determine the soybean lines resistant to the incidence of Alternaria spp., Septoria Glycines and wilt by soil diseases (MPES), as well as to verify their relationship with yield. Thirty-six advanced lines and four soybean varieties were used. At phenological cover R7 of each line, incidence data were taken through a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 were healthy plants and 5 plants with ≤ 100% incidence by the disease. On average Alternaria spp. had higher incidence in the lines. In addition, the first two principal components explained 81.8% of the total variation. Lines G9, G22, G26, G27, G31, G33 and G34 stood out for their low incidence of Septoria glycines. Under the same condition, Huasteca 700 with Alternaria spp. and lines G28 and G32 stood out for being MPES. The relationship of the lines allowed the formation of two groups (A: susceptible and B: resistant), which in turn were divided into two and three subgroups, respectively. It was also determined that these diseases showed a negative correlation with yield, with Septoria glycines being the disease that had the greatest direct negative effect on yield.
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