Mashing and fermentation conditions that increase ethanol content in fermented wort for single malt whisky


  • María Teresa Rivera Jiménez
  • Ramon Huerta Zurita INIFAP
  • María Guadalupe Herrera Hernández
  • Violeta Herrera Enciso
  • Carlos Alberto Flores Gómez



whisky, malt, mashing, fermentation, ethanol yield


Ethanol content in fermented wort is the most important parameter for whisky production in terms of volume of distillate per unit of malt. Ethanol biosynthesis during wort fermentation depends on many factors; however, the initial concentration of fermentable carbohydrates significantly affects the final content of ethanol in fermented wort. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different mashing and fermentation conditions on ethanol content in fermented wort, and to determine the conditions that better contribute to the increase of this compound. It was observed that an isothermal mashing of 65 ºC for 3 h, with a 1:3 grist:water ratio, results in worts with high fermentable carbohydrates content. In addition, it was determined that the higher ethanol yield is attained with closed fermenters at 20 ºC and12.5 ºP worts. These conditions result in a conversion efficiency of 0.34 g of ethanol/g of soluble solids, in fermented worts with reduced amounts of methanol and glycerol.  


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How to Cite

Rivera Jiménez, M. T. ., Huerta Zurita, R., Herrera Hernández, M. G. ., Herrera Enciso, V., & Flores Gómez, C. A. (2022). Mashing and fermentation conditions that increase ethanol content in fermented wort for single malt whisky. Biotecnia, 24(1), 133–141.



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