Infiltration evaluation with TDR-300 equipment and the model Green and Ampt, in soil with organic additive in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico
organic additives, infiltration, irrigation sheet.Abstract
The water needs in crops are naturally satisfied by rains, when it is insufficient, gravity irrigation is applied, which requires knowing the soil’s moisture behavior. There are methods to measure and estimate humidity: the TDR- 300 method calculates humidity in real time and the Green and Ampt model that estimates the irrigation sheet (cm)
in the laboratory. The Green and Ampt method knows the physical parameters of the 12 textural classes of soils, but does not know physical parameters by mixing soil with organic additives. In this investigation, numerical values of hydrodynamic parameters were calculated in soil mixed with organic additive, using TDR-300 equipment in three 30-m
rows, with measurements every 5 m, an experimental design of 3 x 3, with T1-control treatments (soil normal), T2 (Soil + 25% additive) and T3 (soil + 50% additive), applying gravity irrigation, and compare estimates with the Green and Ampt model. Using Green and Ampt methodology, initial and final
gravimetric humidity, water advance time, recession time and opportunity were calculated. The higher the additive content, the retention increased. The estimates made by the Green and Ampt method were similar with the TDR method.
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