Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse in contrasting soils: 2. Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization
Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse
Regosols, Luvisols, Organic by-products, Chemical composition.Abstract
The study of the mineralization process of bagasse and bagasse compost (by-products from the production of tequila) allows predicting the effects that they will have on soil fertility when incorporated into it. The objective of the study was to evaluate the mineralization process of the remaining organic C; N remaining; and Carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N), of four materials Autoclave bagasse (BA); diffuser bagasse (BD); Autoclaved bagasse compost (CBA); and diffuser bagasse compost (CBD) in contrasting soils (Regosol and Luvisol), by the decomposition bag method. After one year of evaluation, the variables showed significant differences between OR and soils. It was found that the absolute amount of C gradually decreased in the bagasse throughout the year, while the amount of N did not decrease significantly, so an evident reduction in the C/N ratio was observed. These variables in the composts remained partially stable during the mineralization process. Therefore, both materials can be added to the soil, although with different objectives; in the case of compost they can be incorporated into the soil, while in the case of bagasse it is only advisable to deposit them on the ground.
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