Effect of variety and seedtime on the productive potential of sugar beet
Beta vulgaris, tuber, yieldAbstract
Sugar beet is traditionally grown in temperate zones, although the development of new varieties allows its exploitation in tropical and subtropical regions. However, in order to obtain good yields and high quality, it is essential to evaluate varieties and sowing dates before establishment. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the productive potential of three sugar beet varieties (Coronado, Syngenta, and SesVanderHaven) in two sowing dates in the Experimen- tal Field of the University of Sonora, under split-plot design. The variety and sowing date had a significant effect on tuber diameter, total soluble solids (TSS) and foliage production. The Coronado variety sowing in November had the highest tubers production (109.2 t.ha-1) and highest TSS content (19.3°Brix), while the highest foliage production (25.4 t.ha-1) in dry weight was obtained in the Coronado cultivar sowing in October. The tubers yields and TSS obtained under the agroecological conditions of this study are similar to the highest values reported in the literature, so it is concluded that under the climatic conditions of this study, it is feasible to ultivate the three varieties evaluated in the two dates of sowing proposed with yields comparable to commercial exploitations.Downloads
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