Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) response to blue and red LED light
Coriandrum sativum L., coriander, LED light, controlled environmentAbstract
Coriander is a widely accepted species because of its culinary uses and medicinal properties. This crop could be developed in controlled environment with LED lighting and would allow continuous production, with an exponential increase in yield, and be free of pests and diseases. There is little research about the response of coriander under such conditions. The objectives were to evaluate the effects of five ratios of blue:red LED light on growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments and nutriments concentration in the aerial part of coriander ‘Gladiador’ under controlled growth conditions. The results were adjusted to a third-degree polynomial regression. A ratio of blue (A) and red (R) light of A37.7%: R62.3% promoted growth parameters and photosynthetic pigments concentration, while a ratio of blue and red light of A57.7%: R42 .3% promoted nutrient concentration in the aerial part of coriander. This allows us to deduce that for a possible commercial production of coriander, under controlled environment conditions, the best ratio of blue and red light is A37.7%: R62.3% since growth and therefore commercial yield are promoted.
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