Yield and nutritional value of cereals and safflower forage in the Comarca Lagunera
Dry matter, crude protein, fiber, digestibility, foliar diseasesAbstract
Safflower and cereals sowing as an alternative to oat allow to increase the forage potential in late sowings during fall-winter season. The objective of the study was to compare the forage potential and nutritive value of cereals and safflower with those observed in oat late sowings during fall-winter season. The study was conducted during the fall-winter season of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 in Matamoros, Coahuila, Mexico. Cultivars of oat, barley, wheat, triticale and safflower with or without spines were evaluated. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Forage nutritive value, dry matter (DM) and nutrients yields were determined. Late sowing of barley and wheat increased the forage potential with or without incidence of foliar disease in oat. The increments reached from 26.3 % to 39 % in DM yields, 34.8% in Crude protein yields, 34.2 % in net energy for lactation yields and 29.4 % to 34.8 % in digestible DM yield. The species triticale, wheat, barley and spineless safflower also were good alternatives, but only when dry forage yields were reduced by foliar diseases. The forage potential may be increased using alternative species to oat in late sowings of fall-winter season.
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