Technical – economic indicators for production of tomato crop under protected agriculture in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico
Indicadores técnico-económicos del cultivo de tomate bajo agricultura protegida en la Comarca Lagunera, México
Solanum lycopersicum, performance, economy, productivity, water, land and capital resourceAbstract
Mexico is in the tenth place in worldwide tomato
production. The Comarca Lagunera has an important role in exports, mainly to the United States of America and allocated an area for cultivation of 984 ha under shade mesh with a production of 138,036 t. Due to the economic and social importance in the region, the objective of this study was to determine the productivity indicators of water, soil, labor, and capital, which will support the producer to make better decisions. To carry out the study, five production units under shade mesh were selected through systematic sampling, which occupied 50 % of the total planted area, and the necessary information was obtained through a survey. It was found that the average yield value was 11.9 kg of tomato per square meter; 54.3 kg of tomato per cubic meter of water, and 61.9 and 99.7 pesos for the net income obtained per square meter of surface and cubic meter of water, respectively. The highest values were recorded by the largest production units, concluding that this behavior is due to the greater economy of scale and greater care with which the crop is managed.
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