Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse in contrasting soils: 1. Degradation dynamics

Degradation dynamics of Bagasse and compost


  • LL Acosta-Sotelo PhD in Sciences in Biosystematics, Ecology and Management of Natural and Agricultural Resources-Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • JF Zamora-Natera University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences-University of Guadalajara. Highway to Nogales, km 15.5, Las Agujas Estate, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
  • R Rodríguez-Macías University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences-University of Guadalajara. Highway to Nogales, km 15.5, Las Agujas Estate, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • DR González-Eguiarte University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences-University of Guadalajara. Highway to Nogales, km 15.5, Las Agujas Estate, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • JF Gallardo-Lancho CSIC, IRNASa. Salamanca 37008, España
  • E Salcedo-Pérez University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences-University of Guadalajara.



Mineralization, organic residues, soils, rate of decomposition.


In the state of Jalisco (Mexico), the tequila industry generates a solid waste called agave bagasse which can be used as an organic amendment. However, its decomposition dynamics in soil is unknown. The objective was to evaluate the degradation process of four materials, Autoclave Bagasse (BA); diffuser bagasse (BD); Compost bagasse autoclave (CBA); and diffused bagasse compost (CBD), incubated in two contrasting soils (Regosol and Luvisol) for one year, to determine the remaining dry mass (MSR); decomposition constant (k); and isohumic coefficient (Ci), using the decomposition bag technique. The MSR showed significant differences between materials and soils, the highest losses occurred in BD and BA 74 and 62% in Regosol and 62 and 47 % in Luvisol. The highest values of k were presented in BD in Regosol (0.0099) and Luvisol (0.0074), followed by BA in Regosol (0.0059) and Luvisol (0.0025). The bagasse presented low values in Ci (0.51 and 0.72 with BA and 0.37 and 0.48 with BD, in Regosol and in Luvisol, respectively). The remaining dry matter and the decomposition constant revealed that the degradation processes of the bagasse were more intense and accelerated than in the compost.


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How to Cite

Acosta Sotelo, L. L. ., Zamora Natera, J. F., Rodríguez Macías, R., González Eguiarte, D. R. ., Gallardo Lancho, J. F. ., & Salcedo Pérez, E. (2023). Bagasse and compost of tequila agave bagasse in contrasting soils: 1. Degradation dynamics: Degradation dynamics of Bagasse and compost. Biotecnia, 25(2), 90–96.



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