Physicochemical characterization of residual potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch recovered from the potato chips industry in Mexico

Physicochemical characterization of residual potato




amylose, crystallinity, functional properties, instrumental characterization, agroindustrial byproduct


The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical, morphological, structural, and thermal properties of starch extracted from residual potato (Solanum tuberosum), for obtaining a product with value-added. The potato starch obtained presented a content of carbohydrates (87.79%), proteins (1.18%), lipids (0.15%), ashes (0.26%), and amylose (24.35%), with a moisture of 10%. The functional properties indicated a water absorption capacity of 1.0163 g/g, solubility and swelling ranges of 30.17-46.65% and 2.31-8.69 g/g, respectively, with a starch gelatinization temperature about 61.7-90 ºC. The TGA thermogram showed that the maximum weight loss was at 288.1 °C. The SEM-EDS showed particles with sizes of 14-69 µm with a composition of 54.3% carbon, 45.4% oxygen and 0.15% potassium. The DLS analysis showed colloidal particles of nanometric size (120 nm) with a zeta potential close to zero. The NMR and XRD exhibited the crystallinity of the starch as type B (34.73%). The FTIR-ATR corroborated the starch structure showing the functional groups of the glucose. This research presented the relationship between the chemical components of potato starch and its thermal, structural, and morphological behavior with the intention of taking advantage of the residual potato generated by the food industry to generate a value-added product.


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Author Biography

JR Rodriguez-Nuñez, Biotechnology Program, University of Guanajuato

Profesor de tiempo completo

Dpto de ingeniería agroindustrial


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How to Cite

Montoya-Anaya, D. G., Madera-Santana, T. J., Aguirre-Mancilla, C. L., Grijalva-Verdugo, C. P., Gonzáles-García , G., Núñez-Colín , C. A., & Rodriguez Nuñez, J. R. (2023). Physicochemical characterization of residual potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch recovered from the potato chips industry in Mexico: Physicochemical characterization of residual potato. Biotecnia, 25(2), 60–72.



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