EFFECTIVENESS OF Trichoderma spp., And Lecanicillium spp., STRAINS IN THE CONTROL OF ROYA (Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley & Broome) IN COFFEE CULTIVATION IN NAYARIT, MEXICO
Biological control, Incidence, Severity, Trichoderma, LecanicilliumAbstract
The main coffee disease worldwide is rust (Hemileia vastatrix), which causes losses of up to 40% in production. Biological control with antagonistic fungi represents a management option compatible with the environment. Trichoderma and Lecanicillium strains native to the coffee producing areas of Nayarit were isolated and evaluated under field conditions. In general, Lecanicillium strains showed better performance than Trichoderma strains, with the exception of strain 39, in protecting coffee leaves against Hemileia vastatrix rust, with 80 % effectiveness and reductions in the damage scale at 1 and 2. Therefore, these strains represent a good option for the biological control of Hemileia vastatrix in the study area. Besides, if combat measures are not applied, the infestation percentages reach 85 % and the damage levels are 3 and 4, causing severe coffee cultivation production losses.
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