Yield components in safflower under minimum tillage and crop rotation compared to traditional tillage
monocultive, conservation tillage, Carthamus tinctorius LAbstract
In safflower, studies on the impact of conservation tillage (LC) on yield and its components are limited, so the objective of this study was to evaluate grain yield and yield components in conventional tillage (LT) and LC with crop rotation. The study was conducted in southern Sonora, Mexico, during the fall-winter 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 cycles. The experimental design was randomized blocks with factorial arrangement, the treatments were the rotation safflower/corn, safflower/wheat and safflower/safflower in LC and safflower/safflower in LT, the variety used was SEMAY OL. Agronomic variables and yield were determined. The highest grain yield was obtained in the safflower/corn and safflower/wheat rotation in LC, while the lowest yield was in monoculture in LC and LT. The tillage system showed no effect on weight of a thousand grain (PMG), plants m-2 and stem diameter. The number of chapters m-2, the PMG, the grain weight and the number of grains per chapter showed a positive association with the grain yield. The tillage system in combination with crop rotation has an influence on the yield components with the exception of PMG. Crop rotation in the LC system allows to increase the yield of this oilseed.
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