ZnO nanoparticles and potassium polyacrylate bioestimultation impact on pepper production under hydric stress
Water management, Bioestimulant, Water retainerAbstract
Water is an essential resource whose availability is decreasing, with the agricultural sector being one of the main consumers. Nanotechnology and superabsorbent polymers have the potential to improve water use efficiency and facilitate food production under adverse conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the biostimulant effect of ZnO nanoparticles and potassium polyacrylate, as a water retainer, in pepper production under water stress conditions. Parameters such as water use efficiency, yield, fruit quality, plant physiological characteristics and substrate properties were analyzed. The applied treatments improved water use efficiency, increased yield and reduced oxidation-reduction by activating the antioxidant defense system, which reduced the effects of water stress, especially under a 50 % irrigation regime. These results suggest that the combination of ZnO NPs and E. A. may be an effective strategy to optimize water use in pepper production.
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