The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the nutrition of families in marginalized areas of Hermosillo




Food insecurity, food environment, acquisition, convenience stores


The sanitary emergency caused by COVID-19 has had significant repercussions on the nutritional health of the population in Hermosillo, Mexico. Factors such as malnutrition, obesity, and heart disease are associated with higher mortality from the virus. This study focused on analyzing the consequences on the food environment and food insecurity in Hermosillo households with medium and high levels of marginalization. During 2021, 104 women and 41 children participated in this study, whose data were contrasted with information from 2019. Changes in purchasing patterns were identified, with a growing preference for convenience stores. Additionally, 38.3 % of the women reported a reduction in their income, and there was an escalation in the rise of 7 % in overweight and obesity. Additionally, the subsequent period saw an elevation in the mean BMI (29.6 ± 6 to 30.5 ± 7). An escalation of 9% was observed in instances of moderate nutritional food insecurity, there was a 9 % increase in cases of moderate food insecurity, and a correlation was found between the place of food acquisition and nutritional status.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Elena Portillo Abril, Food and Development Research Center

Gloria Elena Portillo Abril is a Titular C Technician at the Center for Research on Food and Development (CIAD), where she works in the Nutrition Coordination department. Her research areas include Diet and Health, Food Security, and Social Studies on Food and Development. She is also involved in topics such as Public Nutrition, Food Environment, Food Systems, Health Promotion, and Lifestyle Intervention. Gloria Elena holds a Master's degree in Regional Development from CIAD and a Bachelor's degree in International Trade from the Higher Education Center of the State of Sonora.

María Isabel Grijalva Haro, Food and Development Research Center

María Isabel Grijalva Haro is a  Research Professor at the Center for Research on Food and Development (CIAD). Her main research areas include Public Nutrition, Health and Well-being, Experimental and Clinical Nutrition. She specializes in topics such as School Feeding, Nutritional Food Security, Overweight and Obesity, and Food Composition and Nutritional Value. She holds a Master's degree in Nutrition and Food Science from CIAD, and a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry with a specialization in Food Technology from the University of Sonora. She is currently involved in research on the prevention of obesity and related comorbidities.

Trinidad Quizán Plata, University of Sonora

Trinidad Quizan Plata is a faculty member and researcher at the University of Sonora (UNISON). She currently works at UNISON, she earned his PhD from the Public Nutrition Department at the Center for Research in Food and Development (CIAD) in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. her academic work focuses on  community nutrition.

Alma Delia Contreras Paniagua, Food and Development Research Center

Alma Delia Contreras Paniagua is a Technician professor at the Center for Research on Food and Development (CIAD). Her research focuses on Diet and Health, Nutrition, Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases, and Food Security. She specializes in areas such as School Nutrition, Childhood Overweight and Obesity, Dietary Assessment, and Health Promotion. Alma Delia holds a degree in Biochemical Chemistry with a specialization in Food (2000) and a Master's degree in Health Sciences (2010).

María Isabel María Isabel , Food and Development Research Center

Isabel Ortega is a Research Professor at the Center for Research on Food and Development (CIAD) and a Level II member of Mexico's National System of Researchers (SNI). Her main research focuses on Food, Nutrition, Health, and Environment, particularly on chronic non-communicable diseases, nutrition across various life stages, and special physiological conditions, as well as migration and health. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemical-Biological Sciences with a specialization in Food Technology from the University of Sonora (1985), a Master's degree in Nutrition and Food from CIAD (1989), and a PhD in International Nutrition with a focus on Community Nutrition and Health Communication from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York (1997).


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How to Cite

Félix Gutiérrez, A., Portillo Abril, G. E., Grijalva Haro, M. I., Quizán Plata, T., Contreras Paniagua, A. D., & María Isabel , M. I. (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the nutrition of families in marginalized areas of Hermosillo. Biotecnia, 26, e2435.



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