Synthesis of acylglycerols structured with n3 PUFA in a packed bed reactor with recirculation: Op-timization by response surface


  • Juan Antonio Noriega Rodríguez
  • Correa-Leyva C. Universidad de Sonora
  • Carrillo-Perez E Universidad de Sonora
  • García H.S. Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz



Esterification, immobilized lipase, HPTLC, regression models, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids


The enzymatic esterification of n-3 PUFA and glycerol (G) catalyzed by a Candida antarctica lipase was studied in a recirculating packed-bed reactor for the synthesis of acylglycerols. An n-3 PUFA concentrate was prepared by chemical hydrolysis of Menhaden's oil followed by urea treatment. A rotatable central composition design was used to evaluate the effect of molar ratio (0.47 – 5.52 mol n-3 PUFA / mol G), temperature (28.14 – 71.86°C) and time (0.24 – 2.76 h) on the production structured acylglicerols. The analysis of variance shows that all principal factors have a significant effect in the different responses (p<0.05). It was determined through response surface methodology that around 80% of global esterification can be reached, by operating with a molar ratio of 0.5 mol PUFA/mol G, 70°C and 2.75 h. In general, models have had a good adjust to experimental data (R2>0.92) and the optimal operating conditions for the formation of the different acylglycerols produced during the esterification (MAG, DAG and TAG) can be established.


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How to Cite

Noriega Rodríguez, J. A., Correa-Leyva, C., Carrillo-Perez, E., & García Galindo, H. S. (2024). Synthesis of acylglycerols structured with n3 PUFA in a packed bed reactor with recirculation: Op-timization by response surface. Biotecnia, 26, e2414.



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