Effect of the addition of oat resistant starch type 3 on the viscoelastic properties of the dough and its influence on the quality of cookies
Oat resistant starch type 3
Resistant starch, Viscoelastic properties, Texture Profile Analysis, Sensory evaluationAbstract
Resistant starch type 3 (RS3) was obtained by the autoclaving process using oatmeal. The RS3 was added at different concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 %, w/w) in a dough for the production of cookies. The rheological and textural properties of the RS3 doughs were analyzed by viscoelastic tests and texture profile analysis (TPA), respectively. The quality of the cookies was determined by sensory analysis and the evaluation of hardness and color. The TPA showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the variables of fracturability, hardness, adhesiveness and rubberiness. The incorporation of RS3 increased the elastic (G´) and viscous (G´´) modulus compared to the control mass. All treatments presented an elastic behavior (G´> G´´). The hardness in the cookies increased (p < 0.05) with the concentration of RS3, with values ranging from ≈ 8 N (control) to 20 N (RS20 %). The sensory tests did not show significant differences between the control cookie and the cookie that presented the highest amount of RS3; the latter being the most preferred. The addition of RS3 in the dough caused significant functional and textural changes that positively affected the quality attributes of the cookies.
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