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Amaranth, chia, functional beverages, antioxidant activity, antihypertensive potential.Resumen
The aims of this research were to develop functional beverages from amaranth and chia flours, processed by germination and extrusion, and evaluate its nutritional, antioxidant and antihypertensive properties. Optimal conditions, previously obtained, to produce extruded (Extrusion temperature= 141 °C/screw speed = 81 rpm) and germinated (Germination temperature= 30 °C/germination time= 78 h.) amaranth flours (EAF, GAF) were applied. Optimal conditions of germination temperature (29 °C) and germination time (197 h) to elaborate germinated chia flour (GCF), with maximum values of antioxidant activity, total phenolic and protein contents, were obtained. A 200 mL portion of the functional beverages, elaborated with 25 g of 70 % EAF+ 30% GCF or 70 % GAF + 30 % GCF mixtures, had 3.90-4.53 g protein, 5.04-6.81 g dietary fiber, 95-96 kcal of energy, calculated protein efficiency ratio = 2.52-2.69, antioxidant activity= 4,009-6,495 μmol TE, antihypertensive potential (IC50) = 0.43-0.47 μg extract/mL, and sensorial acceptability between “I like it very much” and “I like it extremely”. These functional beverages, due to its high nutritional value, and antioxidant and antihypertensive potential, can be used for health promotion of consumers.
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