Molecular identification and evaluation of bacteria in the vegetative development and production of habanero pepper




Bacillus, biofertilizers, vegetables, germination


The production of habanero pepper includes the use of chemical fertilization, which contaminates the soil and aquifer mantles. This environmental damage has motivated the search for sustainable alternatives such as growthpromoting bacteria. This research aimed to isolate growthpromoting bacteria, identify them molecularly, and evaluate their effects on the vegetative development and production of habanero pepper. Five bacterial strains were isolated and identified from samples from different land uses; the agroforestry system recorded on average the most significant amount (3.5x105 CFU g-1) of bacterial strains. Analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA gene indicated that the bacteria were associated with species belonging to the Bacillus genus; however, the phylogenetic study shows that the identification at a species level is not possible; these strains stimulated better the seedlings growth (6.86, 6.70 and 6.76 cm, respectively). In the macro tunnel greenhouse evaluation, the EAV2 strain best stimulated the development of plants (38.63 cm) and produced better fruit weight (6.45 g).


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Author Biographies

Jacel Adame García, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Campus Úrsulo Galván

Investigadora SNI Nivel I por CONACYT, Perfil PRODEP por el Tecnológico Nacional de México, Jefa del Laboratorio de Biología Molecular del Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.

Félix David Murillo Cuevas, Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. Úrsulo Galván

Investigador Nacional Nivel I por CONACYT, Perfil Prodep por el Tecnológico Nacional de México. Departamento de Ingeniería, Jefe del Laboratorio de Entomología del Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.

Víctor Velázquez Mendoza, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Campus Úrsulo Galván

Auxiliar de investigador en el Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.

Mario López Vázquez , Tecnológico Nacional de México/Campus Úrsulo Galván

Responsable de Prodcción del Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.

Efraín Antonio Vázquez, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Campus Úrsulo Galván

Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.

Héctor Cabrera Mireles, INIFAP/Campo Experimental Cotaxtla

Investigador del Campo Experimental Cotaxtla del INIFAP, Jefe del Laboratorio de Entomología.

Jazmín Villegas Narváez, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Campus Úrsulo Galván

Profesora Investigadora en el Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván.


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How to Cite

Adame García, J., Murillo Cuevas, F. D., Velázquez Mendoza, V., López Vázquez , M., Antonio Vázquez, E., Cabrera Mireles, H., & Villegas Narváez, J. (2021). Molecular identification and evaluation of bacteria in the vegetative development and production of habanero pepper. Biotecnia, 23(3).



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