Impacto de la adición de L-cisteína en la masa de maíz nixtamalizado: proteínas y viscoelasticidad
L-cysteine, corn masa, proteins solubility, FT-IR, rheological propertiesAbstract
The effect of L-cysteine on the solubility, protein structure, rheological and textural characteristics of corn masas were investigated. Masa was prepared with L-cysteine at two levels (0.25, 0.50 %). Size exclusion chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were utilized for protein characterization. Dynamic rheology and textural profile analysis were carried out on masas. There was a significant difference in relative solubility between the control and masas containing L-cysteine. Treatments with L-cysteine increased the relative solubility of proteins. Determination of FT-IR revealed that addition of L-cysteine did not affects secondary structure of protein. Data also showed significant differences in textural properties. Masas con L-cysteine improved the springiness, adhesiveness and cohesiveness. This investigation reveal that L-cysteine, may improve the elasticity or storage moduli, important characteristics of masas.
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