Activity of three essential oils on the mortality of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in stored wheat


  • Jesús Jesús Borboa Flores Universidad de Sonora
  • Rey David Iturralde García
  • Jesùs Borboa Flores
  • Reyna Isabel Sánchez Maríñez
  • Francisco Javier Wong Corral
  • Mario Onofre Cortez Rocha
  • Francisco Javier Cinco Moroyoqui



Pest, essential oils, storage, wheat.


Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) is a pest that causes significant damage in the stored grain of wheat and for to control the indiscriminately use of chemical substances causes resistance to insects, as well as cause problems to environmental and health. Consequently, the effect of essential oils Melaleuca viridiflora Gaertn, Lippia palmeri Watson, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnhardt on mortality of R. dominica in wheat. These oils were used in various concentrations (5, 10, and 15 ul) and exposure times (24, 48 and 72 h) on the R. dominica insect. The results were obtained by the direct relative proportional in the parameter of mortality with respect to exposure time and concentration of oils. The oils were arranged in the order of importance: M. viridiflora, E. camaldulensis and L. palmeri. From these three oils, M. viridiflora exhibited the best effects on the R. dominica mortality, emergence of adult insects and reduction of weight loss. On the other hand, the oil of L. palmeri showed the best repellency.


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Author Biography

Jesús Jesús Borboa Flores, Universidad de Sonora

Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado de la UNiversidad de Sonora



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How to Cite

Borboa Flores, J. J., Iturralde García , R. D., Borboa Flores, J., Sánchez Maríñez , R. I., Wong Corral, F. J., Cortez Rocha, M. O., & Cinco Moroyoqui, F. J. (2022). Activity of three essential oils on the mortality of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in stored wheat. Biotecnia, 24(1), 164–170.



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