Nematodes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and effect of growth-promoting rhizobacteria on Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae)





Bacillus vallismortis, Bacillus velezensis, Biological control, Root knot nematode, Pseudomonas fluorescens


Soil and root samples of the cucumber crop were analyzed. Plant pathogenic nematodes present were extracted and identified. The juveniles of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita were the most abundant in soil, other such as Aphelenchoides sp., Pratylenchus sp., Tylenchorynchus sp., and Aphelenchus sp. were found in less presence. Females and eggs of M. incognita were obtained from the roots. Finding alternatives to chemicals fumigants, the rhizobacterias Bacillus vallismortis, Bacillus velezensis and Pseudomonas fluorescens were fermented and filtered to be evaluated on these filiform nematodes under laboratory conditions, observing their effect every 24 h. The treatments were evaluated in concentrations of 100% and 50%. The P. fluorescens filtrate was the treatment with the best nematicidal activity, causing a mortality of 95 % in the highest concentration and 93 % in the 50 % concentration at 24 h, followed by the treatments of B. vallismortis and B. velezensis with 83 and 77 % respectively in concentrations of 100 % product. The three treatments showed 100 % mortality of the nematodes after 48 hours of exposure This indicates that these rhizobacteria contain metabolites with nematicidal action that could be a healthy alternative for the control of these phytopathogens.


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How to Cite

GARRIDO, F., DÁVILA MEDINA, M. D., & Hernández Juárez, A. (2024). Nematodes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and effect of growth-promoting rhizobacteria on Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae). Biotecnia, 26, 154–160.



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