Bibliometric analysis of scientific literature on the organic basis Bokashi: alternative in sustainable agriculture

Bokashi: alternative in sustainable agriculture


  • Gabriela González-Rodríguez Postgraduate College Montecillo campus, Texcoco 56230, Mexico.
  • Pablo Preciado-Rangel Autonomous Agrarian University Antonio Narro Laguna Unit. Torreon Coahuila, Mexico.
  • Christian Guadalupe Lizárraga-Bernal Technological University of Escuinapa, Sinaloa, Mexico
  • Bernardo Espinosa-Palomeque Technological University of Escuinapa, Sinaloa, Mexico



fermented manure, Harzing's Publish of Perish, effective microorganisms, SCOPUS, VOSviewer.


The use of bokashi as an organic soil amendment and source of nutrition for plants has received considerable attention in recent years. The bokashi, composting method of Japanese origin, based on the aerobic fermentation of waste through the inoculation of efficient microorganisms; which are anaerobic bacteria and lactic yeasts that speed up the process by shortening the time it takes to obtain the fertilizer. The objective of the research was to develop a bibliometric analysis on Bokashi in SCOPUS. The process was carried out on August 10, 2022 using the search algorithm: (TITLE-ABS-KEY (Bocashi) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (Bokashi)) linked to the article title, abstract and keywords. The research was carried out using the VOSviewer and Harzing's Publish of Perish software research instrument. The results of the bibliometric analysis registered a total of 161 documents published between the years 1999 to 2022. The main types of publications were 129 articles (80.12%) and 25 conferences (15.52%), 87.58% (141 publications) were in English. Brazil was the country with the most publications (39), followed by Indonesia (31) and Mexico (22). Ventura, M. U. was the most productive author with six articles. In the co-authorship networks, two main networks were found: the first with Fregonezi, G. A. F., Hata, F. T. and Ventura, M. U., and the second with Grądzki, Z. The growing interest in Bokashi as a sustainable alternative in agricultural production systems should allow to establish and build networks of scientific publications, scientific revisits, researchers, research organization, countries and keywords.


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How to Cite

González-Rodríguez, G., Preciado-Rangel, P., Lizárraga-Bernal, C. G., & Espinosa-Palomeque, B. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of scientific literature on the organic basis Bokashi: alternative in sustainable agriculture: Bokashi: alternative in sustainable agriculture. Biotecnia, 25(2), 181–193.



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